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Dear Great Great son

Im writing to you from the year 2013! Im still fifteen years old but I wanted to let you know
how my life is and how different it is from the year youre at. We most likely wont have the
opportunity to meet each other or maybe we will, if they finally invent time travel machines or
create a new cure to stop the aging process!
At the year of 2013, most people own a smartphone, which we use to communicate with each
other even if we are on the other side of the world. Its very common to see people sitting just
texting each other. Some teenagers like me dont even use a watch: they check the time on
their phone.
I dont know if youll ever know what Bragana is or was, but Bragana is the city where I live.
Its at the north of Portugal, at the board with Spain. Its not as big as Oporto or Lisbon but it
has everything a person needs to have a good life. Im sending you a photo of our castle at the
year of 2013 in case it will be in bad conditions by the time you see it.
I wish I could also know how the world is by the time you read this letter.
Pedro Carva

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