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Shannon Hellem

Professor Suk
Education Field Experience EDUC 230-01
Spring 2014
Classroom Management Plan

For my Classroom Rules, I came across many Pins on Pinterest from other teachers that
were really interesting. I have decided to use one of the pins but design it to fit my classroom
climate. I have attached the pin for you to look at, since getting a link for it is incredibly
complicated, but I do have it posted on my board for you to see.

The 4 Ps
1. Prompt- Please be on time for class and hand your assignments in on the assigned
If you are tardy with arrival to class or with homework without a note more than
three times, if will reflect negatively in your participation grade. If continued after
we discuss the issue, it will result in a call to your parents to discuss the matter.
If an entire class hands assignments in on time for an entire week, on that Friday I
will give Free Time at the end of class to talk with friends and listen to your
2. Prepared- Remember to bring your textbook, notebooks, homework, and binders to
Just as I have stated in rule 1, if this happens more than three times, it will reflect
on your participation grade negatively.
If the class is prepared, then on Friday it will earn additional time to Free Time,
as long as the weeks work has been covered.
3. Polite- Respect yourself, your classmates, and your teacher.
Bullying, swearing, teasing, or talking back will not be tolerated. There will only
be one warning given for disrespect; we will discuss the issue and if it continues,
then a meeting with guidance, the disciplinarian, or the principal will follow.
Positivity and respectfulness is always appreciated in my classroom. The
courteous students seen doing a good deed, will get a marble to put in the Good
Deeds jar. Once the jar is filled with marbles, I will bring in munchkins or
donuts for the class.
4. Patience- Listen while someone is talking.
Interruptions, disrespectful comments, or shouting out have the same
consequences as rule number 3.

Come to class prepared and on time.
Drop assignments off in the homework bin.
Once seated, look to the board for a Do-Now and get started!

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