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Study Guide for the Final Exam SS102, Spring 2014

Credit for making this study guide goes to Professor en!amin "arat
#ho$#hat is it% #hat are the main details of the person$&on&ept$do&ument% For the
arti&les, you should kno' the main points( For most of the arti&les, kno'ing the three or
four main points is fine, )ut for *+ll ,uiet-. there are a lot of /uestions, so you 'ill
really need to reread the study guide for it and )e a)le to ans'er the /uestions on it 01
think 'e &o2ered most of them in &lass3( 4ou should kno' 'hen e2ents o&&urred and
their se/uen&e, )oth )e&ause there are &hronology /uestions and also it is simply helpful
567E8 1 ha2e &o2ered many, )ut not all of these terms( 7hose not &o2ered )y me are
found in 9S+ le&tures and$or the text)ook readings from *7he :oderni;ation of the
#estern #orld(.
Classi&al <i)eralism
o oth politi&al, e&onomi&, and &ulture
o Fo&us on indi2idual li)erty and freedom
o 1deology of )ourgeoisie
Politi&ally= representati2e demo&ra&y
o People ha2e the 2ote
o Politi&al po'er resides in the people
o Purpose of go2ernment is to prote&t inaliena)le rights
E&onomi&ally > laisse;= faire
o ?ands off
o +dam smith= the market e&onomy is the )est e&onomy
o Supply and demand gets e2eryone 'hat they need
<i)eral 5ationalism
o "oluntary nationalism
o People 'anting to !oin
o 5ation a&&epts them
o 1naliena)le rights and indi2idual freedom
o +ll you ha2e to do is a&&ept the &ore 2alues and nothing else
matters 0skin &olor, religion doesn@t matter3
o #ork as hard as you &an and &ontri)ute to larger so&iety
o 7his is assimilation nationalism
Aomanti& 5ationalism
o 5ations ha2e a romanti& past
o *the reason my )lood is spe&ial is )e&ause the German past did
su&h ama;ing things, they are heroesB.
o Part of ethni& nationalism
o Cele)ration of ho' spe&ial history is
o Emphasi;e ho' nation@s history is long and led us to this pla&e
o ?a2e a deep a2ersion to anyone 'ho doesn@t share the same )lood
)e&ause they don@t share the same history
Aa&ial 5ationalism
o Ex&lusionary nationalism
o People don@t !ust share history, religion, et&, )ut they also share
o +ll separate
o 4ou &an mo2e to Germany )ut you &ant get their )lood
o 5ationalism is )ased on )lood and there is something spe&ial a)out
o 6rigins of fas&ism
6tto 2on ismar&k and Germany
o Cnified Germany into one nation state 1DE1
o Fefeated the +ustria and Fren&h in Fran&o Prussian 'ar in 1DE0
o :ade it &lear that Germany &ould dominate
o Fran&o=Prussian #ar= Prussians 'in under )ismar&k
1mperialism 0in the text)ook &hapter it@s &alled 5e' 1mperialism3
o Con/uering of other lands
o Coloni;ing for e&onomi& reasons
o +sserting dominan&e o2er the 'eaker
o Sur2i2al of the fittest
So&ial Far'inism and *sur2i2al of the fittest.
o 1n2ol2ed a large 2ariety of people
o 7hrough struggle they &ould &ome out on top
o Strongest 'ould sur2i2e and the 'eak 'ould )e eliminated
?einri&h 2on 7reits&hke, *7he 5e' 5ationalism and Aa&ism.
See hand'ritten notes on reading
Ce&il Ahodes, *Confessions of Faith.
See hand'ritten notes on reading
"(1( <enin, *1mperialism, the <atest Stage of Capitalism.
See hand'ritten notes on reading
:onopoly Capitalism
o <enin says this is 'hat 'ill happen after :arx@s disaster 'ith the
de&reasing )ourgeoisie
o 1t@s the total &ontrol of the e&onomy
o 5o &ompetition, no inno2ation
o 7he market has )een lost
o <enin says that &apitalism does not rely on the market
o So monopoly &apitalism is its o'n type of e&onomy
o 5o demand, no ne' produ&ts, no &ompetition, and no inno2ation
o 7he market is saturated so no' &ompanies 'ill look to
international markets(
7he elle Epo/ue
o 7he eautiful era
o ourgeoisie &ame into full )loom
o 7hey 'ere grounded on li)eral prin&ipals
o 5e' te&hnologies su&h as auto=mo)iles, planes, et&
o elie2ed in fundamental freedoms 0press, spee&h, et&3
7he Futurists
o Futurism 'as a mo2ement in 1taly that fo&used on
&ontemporary &on&epts of the future
o F7 :arinetti 'as a futurist
o ?e 'rote a manifesto emphasi;ing the importan&e of youth
and the re!e&tion of the past
o Said on&e people rea&hed 40 they go to the 'aste)asket
o #anted to energi;e &i2ili;ation
o #anted to free the land of philosophers and tea&hers
o Aid them through struggle and 'ar
Friedri&h 5iet;s&he
o German
o Con&erned a)out le2els of feeling and understanding
o elie2ed that reason 'as the )ase of )ourgeois li)eralism
o Said god 'as dead, urged modern people to push so&iety for'ard
'ithout god
o So&iety 'ould mo2e for'ard if people raised themsel2es a)o2e
o 7o )e human, people had to rise a)o2e the human in them
o Fon@t &onform he said
o C)ermens&h or *o2erman.
o 7ranslated to superman 'hi&h is not 'hat he meant
o ?e meant 'ill to po'er, o2er&ome urge to &onform
o Ae&ogni;ed the ne&essity of )uilding the energy to mo2e so&iety
o Called people 'ho &ould do this, +ryans
Sigmund Freud
o Signifi&ant during the intelle&tual re2olution in 1DGG
o #rote the *interpretation of dreams.
o Challenged the )asis of )ourgeois li)eralism
o Said people 'ere moti2ated )y su)&ons&ious and not reason
o People thought he 'as a freak
o ?is )ook )e&ame a )est seller after ##1
o 5um)er one &on&ern of Fran&e
o 6n the )order of Fran&e and Germany
o <ouis 1" took territory 1H00
o Aemained Fren&h for 200 years
o 1DE0@s Fran&o=Prussian 'ar
o Prussia destroyed Fran&e
o 1DE1 Prussia )e&ame Germany
o +s Prussia in&orporated German states they also in&orporated
+lsa&e and <orraine
o 7his humiliated Fran&e )e&ause they lost territories to the Germans
o ?ad to find allies in order to defeat Germans and get land )a&k
o E2entually signed allian&e 'ith Aussia
Iaiser #ilhelm 11
o Iing of Germany
o #anted to expand Germany
o #anted to gi2e Germany a "erli&t Politik 0'orld poli&y3
o 9ealous of England
o Femanded German parliament gi2e more money to na2y
o ?e &ontrolled parliament
o Poured tons of money into na2y
o +)di&ated the throne )efore the end of ##1
o Aefused to surrender and sign the treaty of "ersailles
Sla2 5ationalism
o Sla2 people8 Aussians, Ckrainians, poles, ser)s, et&(
o C;ar 5i&holas says he is the prote&tor of the sla2s
o #anted the sla2s to ha2e their o'n &ountries
o Pro)lem they are &ontrolled )y ottomans
7he alkans
o South eastern European states
o Aegion 'here sla2 nationalism 'as o&&urring
o #ars in the alkans 1G12=1G1J
o E2e of 'ar
7riple +llian&e
o Germany, 1taly, +ustria=?ungary
7riple Entente
o ritain, Aussia, Fran&e
o 1G0E= ritish signed a treaty 'ith Aussia
+r&hduke Fran; Ferdinand
o Ser)ia )a&ks a series of terrorist organi;ations in +ustria ?ungary
o 7hey go out an assassinate people
o #anted their part of +? pulled into Ser)ia
o Fe&ision made to try and kill Fran; Ferdinand
o Ferdinand 2isits troops in sare!e2o
o 7hey sho' up and are supposed to 2isit troops
o + )om) is thro'n under their &ar, no killed
o 1t 'as the la&k ?and@s doing, they failed
o 7hey had a )a&kup plan
o 6ne of their mem)ers 'ere supposed to shoot them
o ?is motor o&a&h takes a 'rong turn and the guy finds him
o +ustro=hungarians )elie2ed the Ser)ian go2ernment 'as )ehind it
o 5ot true thought )e&ause offi&ials didn@t kno' a)out
o 9uly 2J
, Germany gi2es +? a )lank &he&k and says they &an do
o 7his is the start of the 'ar
7he 7ren&h and 7ren&h #arfare
o #arfare used during ##1
o 7ren&hes 'ere thousands of miles long
o 6ften there 'as 'ater, rats, and de)ris in the tren&hes
Eri&h :aria Aemar/ue, *+ll ,uiet on the #estern Front.
o See hand 'ritten notes on reading
Aussian Ae2olution
o C;ar is o2erthro'n 1G1E
o 5i&holas the se&ond gi2es up after the uprisings
o +fter the re2olution Aussia )e&omes a demo&ra&y
o Femo&ra&y doesn@t sol2e the pro)lems of hunger and &old
o Germans mo2e into Aussia, total disaster
o So in 1G1E <enin o2erthro's the demo&ra&y
o 7he &ommunist )olsh2eks are )orn
o <enin is going to take Aussia out of the 'ar )e&ause he reali;ed he
'ould )e o2erthro'n if not
o So2iet union is thus )orn
o :ar&h 1G1D Aussia lea2es 'ar offi&ially
#oodro' #ilson
o #ilson de&lares 'ar after the sinking of the <usitania
o Proposes 14 9anuary of 1G1D
7he 14 Points
o 6pen diploma&y
o 5o more se&ret meetings
o 5ational Self determination
o Coloni;ation
o Freedom of the seas
5ational Self=Fetermination
o #ilson said it 'as times to end the empires in Europe
o Empires &ontrol multiple ethni& groups
o #ell ea&h ethni& group should &hoose their o'n go2ernment and &ountry
o 7hey should &hoose their o'n path
o Fi2ide Europe up )y nations and )reak multi ethni& empires
o 7his has huge ethni& reper&ussions
o 0?e@s talking a)out 'hite people not uni2ersal determination3
7he #eimar Aepu)li&
o German demo&ra&y after ##1
o 1G1G=1GJJ
o People 'eren@t a&&ustomed to doing things themsel2es
o 7he system 'as 2ery 'eak and there 'ere a lot of pro)lems in
o #hen the German e&onomy &ollapsed a lot of people turned to
o + lot of so&ial groups hated the #eimar Aepu)li&
o ?itler takes o2er the #eimar Aepu)li& and turns it into a
7reaty of "ersailles
o Seen as an unfair do&trine against Germany
o Ended ##1
o Germany had to gi2e up money and land and pay reparations
o #iemar offi&ials had to sign the treaty )e&ause Iaiser #ilhelm
refused and a)di&ated the throne
7he Polish Corridor
o 7he treaty of "ersailles ga2e ne'ly formed Poland a pie&e of
Germany so they &ould ha2e a&&ess to the sea
o 7he pro)lem 'as millions of Germans no' li2ed in Poland
o ?itler 'anted that strip of land )a&k and the ritish and Fren&h
said that if Germany atta&ked Poland then they 'ould de&lare 'ar
<eague of 5ations
o Proposed )y #ilson and the Paris Pea&e &onferen&e
o 1t@s aim 'as so promote pea&e )y in2iting t'o &onfli&ting &ountries
in for negotiation and ar)itration
o 7he league 'as unsu&&essful, ho'e2er the &urrent day Cnited
5ations is modeled after this
o 5otion that germans should pay for 'ar
o Aeparations )ill finali;ed in 1G21 > 20 )illion dollars
o Payment didn@t ha2e to &ome in money
o Could &ome in &oal, iron, or ore > resour&es
o Countries re&ei2ing the payments 'ere fran&e, elgium, and great
o Ae/uires in&rease in taxes and redu&tion in &onsumption
o #iemar repu)li& refused to raise taxes and refused to ask people to
redu&e &onsumption
War debt- repayments of K10 )illion in loans demanded )y the C(S( 0under Pres( #arren
?arding3 from ritain and Fran&e
ritain and Fran&e opposed these demands )e&ause8
o 7hey had suffered 'ay more deaths and de2astation from the 'ar than the
C(S(L paid in death
o #hen the money 'as loaned, it ne2er left the C(S( sin&e ritain and
Fran&e used it to )uy C(S( manufa&tured 'eapons
o Fid not ha2e the money to repay the de)tsL e&onomies 'ere in sham)les
from 'ar, +meri&a should )e helping European re&o2ery from the 'ar
Aeasoned if +meri&a ga2e more loans, Europe 'ould )uy more
+meri&an produ&ts )enefiting the C(S(
o 1f you 'ant us to repay these 'ar de)ts, get Germany to pay its reparations
Ruhr Crisis (1923)-
1nflation 'as a )ig pro)lemL rea&hes its peak in 1G2J
9anuary 1G2JL Germans ha2e stopped paying reparations
o Fren&h and elgians are infuriated )e&ause they need these de)ts paid off
o Femand to go o&&upy German mines and territory 0"ersailles treaty
allo's this if Germany does not repay reparations3L ritish refuse to do
o Fren&h and elgians o&&upy ruhr "alley 0one of the ri&hes &oal mines in
the 'orld3L ad!a&ent to the Ahineland
o +lso send in miners
o #eimar Aepu)li& tell German miners to go on strikeL 'e 'ill keep paying
Produ&es tremendous amounts of marks to pay miners
1nflation )e&omes astronomi&al 0hyperinflation3L marks are
+ny sa2ings you ha2e in a )ank are 'iped out and
1f you ha2e a fixed in&ome M po2erty
<o'er middle &lass and middle &lass of Germany are
+meri&ans finally step in
Hyperinflation (1923)- K1 M 4(2 trillion Feuts&he :arks
62erprodu&tion od German marks )y the #eimar Aepu)li& &auses hyperinflation
5early destroys Europe@s e&onomy
Pro2okes a little +meri&an in2ol2ement
The Dawes lan (192!)- Created )y Charles Fa'esL +meri&an finan&ial aid to help
German and European e&onomies
Coolidge re&ogni;es that Europe has e&onomi& pro)lems )ut does not 'ant to in2ol2e
o Conta&ts Charles Fa'es 0head at 9P :organ3 to deal 'ith hyperinflation,
reparations, and +meri&an 'ar de)t in Europe
1G24= Fa'es Plan
o gets Fren&h and elgians to lea2e Germany
o Germans make ne' marks
ut e2eryone@s sa2ings are gone
o Pri2ate )anks are going to loan money to Germany
Germany 'ill get its emonomy goingL re)uild industry
#ill then )egin to repay reparations
:oney 'ill flo' to ritian, Fran&e, and elgium
#ill then repay de)t to +meri&ans
o Sta)ili;es European e&onomyL allo's for re&o2ery
1G24=2G most sta)le period
Germany )e&omes 2ery dependent on +meri&an money
o #hole European e&onomy is dependent on +meri&an money
o <oans K2)illion to Germany
o Germany pays K2)illion in reparations
o K2)illion paid in 'ar de)ts
1G2G= this stopsL sto&k market &rash
The "reat Depression (1929-1939)- see 9S+ 7he Great Fepression notes
6&t( 1G2G= sto&k market &rash
o 1n 2 months, e&onomy lost half its 2alueL 1GJ2 lost G0N of its 2alue
anks failL sa2ings are goneL a 'hole )un&h of money is gone
Glo)al )e&ause Europe 'as dependent on the C(S( 0Fa'es Plan 1G243
#uyin$-on-%ar$in (throu$hout 192&'s)- people )orro'ing money to )uy sto&k
o people spent money they did not ha2e on sto&k
o rationale 'as that after )uying sto&k, sto&k 'ould rise in 2alue and one
&ould sell sto&k for more than they paid for it
profit 'ill )e greater 'hen 1 sell
getting loan from )ank
o pay 10N, )ank pays GN
o )ank pays for loan
o if the sto&k you@2e pur&hased dips )elo' 2alue, you get a margin &all
0must pay money )ank loaned you3
ho'e2er, people did not ha2e money to pay this )a&k
(nelasti) De%and- demand that ne2er de&reases for &ertain produ&ts despite in&rease in
pri&esL these produ&ts are usually ne&essities 0e(g( 'ater, funeral ser2i&es, 'edding
1( 7he paradox of inelasti& demand 07he Great Fepression3
+( 1f the pri&e of food )e&omes 2ery high, people 'ill still ha2e to )uy it sin&e
food is inelasti&
( Femand is still thereL does not &hange
C( #hen food pri&es are high, there is so&ial unrest
F( Europe is slo'ly stopping )uying food from C(S( as their agri&ulture re)uilds
E( #hen food pri&es drop it is good for &onsumers )ut )ad for produ&ers
o Selling )elo' money needed to produ&e supply
F( Pri&es flu&tuate 'ildly in agri&ulture
o Food glut post=##1
*ultiplier +ffe)t (,eynes)-
notion that 'hen the &onomy goes do'n, it makes the eon&omy 'orse and leads
to more layoffs and further e&onomi& do'nturn
o e&onomies plummet /uite often
o ea&h do'nfall spreads to other groups
o this is 'hat happened in the Great Fepression
same effe&t &an happen on the e&onomi& ups'ing
one e2ent &an ha2e a multipli&ati2e effe&t
o Ieynes used this reasoning to !ustify ho' if the go2( puts money into
people@s po&kets, )usinesses 'ill )e a)le to expand and so on
+ relati2ely small de&line in in2estment spending &an spread through the
o Sno')all effe&t
Causes more and more pro)lemsL &hain rea&tion of &rash
#hen demand drops, it radiates throughout the e&onomy 'ith more )usinesses
and )anks failing
o Go2( spending re2erses multiplier effe&t$s and (n.est%ent- sa2ing and in2esting 'ere one a&tion in the 1D00@s, o'ner
sa2ed and in2ested in &ompanyL )e&ame separate as so&iety progressed and more people
)e&ame 'ealthier and had something to sa2e
sa2ings don@t ha2e to )e in2estments
o sa2ings only loaned out if there is demand
any money falling out of system means e&onomy is slo'ing do'n
)e&ause people are not spending$in2esting
'hen )usinesses 'ant to gro', in2estment happens
'ill do this 'hen there is a profit to )e made
:arket &apitalism needs this flo' of money to fun&tionL if any money 2anishes
from the system, the e&onomy is stopping
9ohn :aynard Ieynes
Aelationship )et'een sa2ings and in2estmentL &apitalism depends on flo' of
moneyL sa2ings and loans 0in2estment3
Defi)it -pendin$ ("o.ern%ent -pendin$)- a&tion of the go2ernment to spend money
they don@t ha2e on programs to stimulate the e&onomyL pu)li& spending, not dangerous
Ieynes@ solution to the Great Fepression
Robert Heilbroner/ the 0ohn *aynard ,eynes arti)le fro% 1The Worldly
hilosophers2- see dis)ussion notes
Sa2ings and in2estment
See=sa' analogy
Ele2ator analogy
Solution8 go2ernment spending
3ran4lin Roose.elt/ 15n the De%o)rati) Welfare -tate2 (The se)ond inau$ural
address) (0an6 1937)-
Go2( 1nter2ention has in&reased demo&ra&y
o Gi2en people more po'er
o Eliminated &orruption
1n&reased morale of +meri&a
o 1n&reased hope, optimism, e/uality
o 62er&ome &omforta)le, opportunism, timid 0top 1N of &onomi& &lass3
Good 2s( E2il
FFA presents moral le&tureL ho' to present the Ieynesian e&onomi& re&o2ery
plan to the people
8ew Deal (1933-1939)- FFA@s e&onomi& re&o2ery plan to get the C(S( out of the Great
FepressionL )ased on Ieynesian e&onomi&s
1( Counter=&y&li&al spending8 use the multiplier for good rather than for e2il
o Go2ernment inter2entions spending to stimulate the e&onomy
G( 5e' Feal programs
o FF1C
o So&ial Se&urity
o Employment programs
3as)is%- an anti=rational authoritarian, anti=&ommunist mo2ement 'hi&h seeks to
reorgani;e so&iety along the mysti&al lines of ra&e or nation( 1ts o)!e&ti2e is to reintegrate
the isolated indi2idual into a larger 'hole, this )eing either the ra&e or nation
Sym)ol of po'er &arried )y roman legionsL sym)ol of po'er and
+xe and )ound sti&ks= united po'er and authority
First fas&ist leader= enito :ussolini
elie2ed ne&essary of manipulating minds of &i2ilians )e&ause of
e2ery day dangers of modern 'orldL unity of people is essential to
:ain o)!e&ti2e 'as to sei;e and hold po'erL opportunisti&
Sees life to )e an emergen&y
1deology designed to appeal to people 'ho did not fare 'ell in
gesells&haft so&ial orders
Ae!e&ted &ommunism and li)eralism
Communism= diale&ti& materialism 'as real and &ore
Fas&ists 'ere idealistsL ideals 'ere real and )elie2ed that ideals
and spiritual /ualities shaped human /uality
5ation=state &oreL e2erything else must )e su)ordinated
Gemeins&haft totality of state 2s( indi2idual 'ell=)eing
E&onomi& 'ell)eing 2s( indi2idual sa&rifi&e to )enefit nationL
ea&h nation in natural state of &onfli&t
1nternational goals$proletarian re)ellion 2s( re!e&tion of
international mo2ements$9e'ish &onspira&y to dominate the
7o fas&ists &ommunism and &apitalism 'ere 9e'ish attempts to
take o2er the 'orld
1nternational 2s( national
9e's had no nation of their o'n and 'ould therefore try
to take o2er nations
OOeternal struggle )et'een nations 'ith the strongest &oming
out on top 0so&ial Far'inism &ore3
'ar and &onfli&t )rought out highest in human nature
:ein Iampf= struggles makes ?itler stronger
Fas&ism@s audien&e8 &ountries 'here &ountries had not moderni;ed
&ompletelyL 'here )ourgeoisie had not de2eloped into self=&onfident po'erful
e&onomi& &lass 'anting to make their o'n distin&t &ultureL no strong tradition
of li)eralism or demo&ra&y
Robert a:ton/ 1The ;nato%y of 3as)is%2
1n fa2or of8
o Po'er
Po'er resides in one person 0&harismati& leader3
a)solute po'er
o #ar 0so&ial Far'inism3
o 5ationalism
5o indi2idualism, separates and 'eakens state po'er
o Conformity
Fuels po'er, follo' orders
o E2erything pu)li&
5o ideas, thoughts outside go2ernment 0totalitarianism3
o Go2ernment in &ontrol of e2erything a)out you
o Gemeins&haft
6pposed to8
o Capitalism 0&onsumerism$materialism3
"alue in ho' mu&h you &an )uy to &reate happiness
o 1ndi2idualism, inaliena)le rights$li)eralism$demo&ra&y
1ndi2idual should not ha2e po'er
o Communism and so&ialism
Fi2ides nations through so&ioe&onomi& &lasses
o Pa&ifism
o Aa&ial e/uality 0ethni&ity3
o 1nternational finan&e
6pposed to large )anks running 'orld
o :odernity$gesells&haft
<a&k of &lose relationships
o Pri2ate sphere
Aea&tion to :arxism
#hat opened German and 1taly up to this
o :any young men only kne' 2iolen&e from fighting in the 'ar
o Sense of 2i&timhood 0s&apegoating3
o 5o demo&rati& traditions
o +nomie
o :ass politi&s and te&hnology
o Fas&ism is a)out a&tion 0'ill to po'er3
:ilitari;e so&iety
<ife is regimented
#omen should )e in kit&hen or in deli2ery room
6pposed to religion
o Fon@t 'orry a)out God, fo&us on nation
Fas&ism is mas&uline
#enito *ussolini/ 1The Do)trine of 3as)is%2 (1922)
Expression of 2iolent emotions
7aking a&tionL sei;e the opportunity
E2eryone in the nation needs to 'ork togetherL &lass does not matter
"e%eins)haft- &ommunityL &ore 2alue of fas&ism
"esells)haft- modernityL &ore 2alue of )ourgeoisie
;dolf Hitler/ 1*ein ,a%pf2 (1933-19!&'s)- Chan&ellor and leader of 5a;i Germany
0see 7eam <e&ture notes3
failed artist 'ho lo2ed his experien&e during ##1 as a soldier
)e&omes leader of German #orkers@ Party 0later 5a;i3 and 'ants to take o2er the
'eak German go2ernment like :ussolini did 'ith fas&ism
Ena)ling a&t allo's ?itler to enfor&e fas&ist rule o2er Germany
:ein Iamph
+( *:ein Iampf. 01G2P3
'rites this in !ail
:y Struggle
o +nnihilating the 9e's
o Expanding Germany to rule all of Europe
o 1dea that Sla2i& people are s&umL he 'ould ensla2e Sla2s
and 'ork them to death
o C(S( is 'eakL )lood is 'eak and impure
o Communism run )y 9e'sL 'eak
<ebensrau%- li2ing spa&e for an expanding stateL ?itler@s !ustifi&ation to expand
?itler sought to implement this on Sla2i& nations 0Aussia3 as Germany expanded
Purpose of 6p( ar)arossa
;ppease%ent (*ar)h 1939-193=)- 7he a&t of one side gi2ing into some of the demands
of the opposing side in the hopes of satisfying the opposing side and pre2enting future
pro)lems 0ritain, Fran&e 2s( Germany3
Ex3 Aemilitari;ation of the Ahineland, the +ns&hluss, the Spanish Ci2il #ar, the :uni&h
The Rhineland (1919 and *ar)h 1939)
"ersailles 7reaty 01G1G3= Femilitari;ation of AhinelandL no German groups &an
o&&upy this area
1GJH= 7ime to sho' Germany@s po'er8 remilitari;e the Ahineland
Ahineland= German regionL 7reaty of "ersailles demilitari;ed the Ahineland
01G1G3L )orders Fran&e, elgium, and 5etherlands
?itler sends in troops to remilitari;e Ahineland
#hat 'ill the Fren&h and ritish do%
o ritish go2ernment appeases and gi2es in to ?itler sin&e the Ahineland is
te&hni&ally themL if 'e gi2e him 'hat he 'ants and he@ll )e satisfied and
'on@t demand anything else
o Fren&h and ritish do nothing
The ;ns)hluss (*ar)h 193=)
7reaty of "ersailles said +ustria had to remain separated from Germany
+ustria has ethni& Germans
:ar&h 1GJD= 4D hours
o <et Germans in pea&efully or 'e 'ill destroy you
o +llo' Germans to &ome 0+ustria3L +ustrian people &heer Germans as they
&ome, 'e are part of something great
+ns&hluss= unifi&ation of Germany and +ustria
ritish and Fren&h= appeasement
ad for C;e&hoslo2akia
The -udetenland (193=)
Sudetenland= land of Sudeten mountainsL )order area, 'here all of C;e&h defenses,
&ommuni&ations, and Germans are
?itler goes on radio and &laims that C;e&h go2ernment is slaughtering Sudeten
ritain and Fran&e appease Germany )y gi2ing Sudetenland to Germany in ex&hange
for ?itler@s promise to not pursue anymore territorial &on/uests 0:uni&h Pa&t3
8e.ille Cha%berlain- Prime :inister of ritain 'ho negotiated appeasement 'ith
GermanyL *#e ha2e a&hie2ed pea&e of our time(.-(567BBB +ppeased Germany
&onstantly in the e2ents leading up to ##11, played 2ital role in appeasing Germany
during the :uni&h pa&t gi2ing ?itler Sudetenland
The *uni)h ;$ree%ent (-ept6 193=)
?itler adamant a)out sa2ing Germans in C;e&h( +nd 'ill atta&k C;e&h(L 'ar on the
5e2ille Cham)erlain 0prime minister of Great ritain3
o Foes not 'ant 'arL talks 'ith ?itler to rea&h an agreement to pre2ent 'ar
o ?itler 'ants Sudetenland 56#
+ll leaders meet in :uni&h 0Germany, 1taly, Fran&e, ritain3 to de&ide fate of
o Aussians and C;e&hs not in2ited
o Cham)erlain gi2es ?itler Sudetenland in ex&hange for ?itler not pushing for
more territory 0signed &ontra&t3
Sudetan germans in this area
Gi2ing o2er )order defenses of C;e&hoslo2akia 0they are 2ulnera)le3
?itler guarantees no in2asion
#e ha2e a&hie2ed pea&e of our time 0:uni&h Pa&t3
The Hitler--talin a)t (8a>i--o.iet a)t) +ugust 2J, 1GJG 0Poland and the alti&
States > Estonia, <at2ia, <ithuania3
Stalin does not kno' if he 'ants to ally 'ith ritain and fran&e
o ?as )een purging his military of offi&ersL half are dead at end of 1GJG
o ?e is not ready for 'arL no military leaders
#ants to stay out of &onfli&t until he &an re)uild his militaryL Germany has
)etter offer
o Communism 2s( fas&ism%
o Ino's Germany doesn@t 'ant to fight a t'o=frong t'ar 0?itler kno's
this too3
o +ugust 1GJG8 ?itler and Stalin sign an agreement
Poland 'ill )e di2ided and taken off the map
Stalin gi2en alti& states
#attles? oland/ 3ran)e (and #el$iu% and the 8etherlands)/ and #ritain (the #lit>)
5peration #arbarossa
oland (1939)
o Sept 1, 1GJG= ##11 )egins
o Germany 'ill try ne' ta&ti&sL e2eryone expe&ts repeat of ##1 )ut
Germany 'ants an alternati2e
5e' era of 'arfare8 )lit;krieg, German tanks streaming out
7anks go through as /ui&kly as possi)le through Polish
Stuka Fi2e om)ers
o +tta&k from )ehind polish army
o Festroy reser2e troops, destroy supplies, hit &amps
o Fo this as infantry mo2es for'ard against Polish
o Poland )egins to fall
o Sept J, 1GJG8 ritain and Fran&e de&lare 'ar on Germany
o Sept, 1H, 1GJG8 Aussia mo)ili;esL takes Polish territory promised to him
o Poland falls at the end of Septem)er
o ritish and Fren&h do nothing
+ssume S&hlieffen Plan 'ill happen again
o 5othing happens for monthsL German army resupplies and +llies digest
'hat the ne's
#el$iu%/ 8etherlands/ 3ran)e (*ay-0une 19!&)
o :ay 10
, 1G408 Germans atta&k the 5etherlands, elgium, 5orthern
#ar is at 'estern front
ritish go2( fallsL #inston Chur&hill asked to form a ne'
go2ernment MQ )e&omes prime minister and must organi;e defense
5etherlands, elgium fall easily
Fren&h follo' S&hliffen plan and atta&k north through elgium to
mee tht German army
?o'e2er, Germany send their tanks through the +rdennes
ritain and Fran&e assumed forest 'as impassi)le and
forgot a)out German effi&ien&y
o Germany had &ut out paths for tanks
o elgium falls, Fren&h and ritish for&es pushed to 5orthern &oast
o :ay 2E
, orders all soldiers out of Fran&e 06peration dynamo3
Sends o2er e2ery )oat in England to get the soldiers off the &oast
of Funkirk
JP0,000 troops e2a&uated
must lea2e all e/uipment
o Germans atta&k south and rea&h Paris 9une 2H
, 1G40 0Fren&h surrender3
7aken in H 'eeks
Southern fran&e M "i&hy Fran&e
ritain stands alone
o ?itler fo&uses on his in2asion of ritain
S&ary )e&ause ritish na2y is huge
Fe&ide to atta&k 'ith <uft'affe
#ritain (*ay 19!&-19!1)
o <uft'affe )om)s ritain nonstop 0the lit;3
o ritish ad2anatages
ritish planes 0A+F3 are ne'erL fighters more maneu2era)le,
Aadar= a)le to dete&t german planes as they &ame o2er north sea
0in2ented in 1GJ0@s3
ritish had )roken german military &ode8 kne' 'hat they 'ere
planning and ne' 'here to send planes
<uft'affe ne2er de2eloped a &lear strategy 0did no kno' 'hat to
)om)3L ne2er destroyed anything
o ?itler gets )oredL nothing is happening, no results, no surrender
ritish seem stronger e2ery day
Something different8 shift fo&us on the So2iet Cnion 0go after the
Sla2i& lands and expand Germany3
-o.iet @nion (5peration #arbarossa) (0une 19!1)
o 7'o fronts &oming again
o P million German troopsL massi2e offensi2e
o suppose to start in :ay )ut 'ere delayed )e&ause there 'ere pro)lems in
4ugosla2ia and Gree&e
o Goals
<eningrad 0<enin@s &ity3
:os&o' 0&apital3
6il in southern So2iet Cnion 0Stalingrad3
o eginning of in2asion
P million so2iet troopsL )ut these troops are not ready
Stalin hasn@t prepared them and doesn@t 'ant to think a)out
:assi2e tank mo2ementsL )lit;krieg
So2iets losing ground rapidly
o +ug 1G418 Germans ha2e taken nearly P million prisonersL no Aed army
10 million red army soldiers still left
o Einsat;gruppen= spe&ial poli&e units 0aug( 1G413
Aound up 9e's, gypsies, undesirea)les and shoot them
Follo' Germany armyL kill 1 R million 9e's
Failure of 6peration ar)arossa &auses ?itler to fo&us on eliminating the 9e's
07he Final Solution3
+insat>$ruppen (19!1)- spe&ial poli&e units 0aug( 1G413
Aound up 9e's, gypsies, undesirea)les and shoot them
Follo' Germany armyL kill 1 R million 9e's
#attle of -talin$rad (;u$us 19!1)- turning point of the 'ar
Aestart of German &ampaign to take Stalingrad 0stalin@s &ity3 0aug, 1G423
?orri)le )attle
End of 1G428 Germans ha2e taken nearly G0N of &ity
?o'e2er, Aussian army has )egun to mass in order to surround German army
)y dra'ing them deeper into the &ity
o Soon surround them
o ?itler refuses to let army to retreat
o 1 million German troops MQ P00,000
o So2iet union )egin to push German army )a&k
0ohn *a)4ey/ 1Thin4 ;bout What Aou -aw2
PP(P=H million 9e's died in ?olo&aust
is this a result$rea&tion of moderni;ation% #hat holo&aust needed to fun&tion8
o Cr)ani;ation, )ureau&ra&ies, effi&ien&y, se&ulari;ation 0losing religion3,
rational, &entrali;ation of po'er
o 7e&hnology
:ass &ommuni&ation, mass transportation, gas 0mass slaughter3
o So&ial Far'inism MQ &lassifi&ation$s&ientifi& ra&ism$form of s&ien&e
Physi&al &hara&teristi&s 0fa2ora)le &hara&teristi&s3
Get rid of the 'eak$)ad )lood
o ureau&ra&y$effi&ien&y 0#e)er3= hierar&hi&ally stru&tured, no
Fistin&t di2ision of la)orL do not de2iate, routine
o :ass propaganda
5e'spapers, mo2ies radio, photography, pu)li& edu&ation
+llo's for this to happen
Aea&tion against moderni;ation
o Ae!e&tion of li)eralism$demo&ra&y
Ae!e&tion of indi2idual rights, anti=#eimar Aepu)li&
o +nti=)ourgeois &ulture
o Gesells&haft 2s( gemeins&haft
o Fegenerate art sho'
1GJH= art sho' of modern art &ondemning all of the artL anti=
gallery o'ners often 9e'ish
So&ial psy&hology
o ?o' so&iety affe&ts the indi2idual 0:ilgrim3
o 7hese experiments a)out the ?olo&aust
o Fefinition of the situation
#e a&t a&&ordinglyL fall into role, o)edient to authority
o +s&h experiment 0&onformity3
Fo e2erything e2eryone else is doing
OOpunishment is not rele2eant
Robert 0ay <ifton/ 1The 8a>i Do)tors2 (fro% *a)4ey arti)le)
do&tors sending people to their deaths 0de&ide 'ho 'ill li2e and 'ho 'ill die3
psy&hologi&al dou)le 0a'are of the &reation of the separate self3L death &amp
do&tor and family physi&ian
&uring 'orld of si&kness 09e'sL healing humanity3
medi&ali;ed killing
Christopher #rownin$/ 15rdinary *en2 (fro% *a)4ey arti)le)
#hy did so many people parti&ipate%
o Psy&hologi&al perspe&ti2e 0notions of &onformityL +s&h experiment3
System !ustifi&ation theory= 'e assume so&ial system 'e are in is
logi&alL need to )elie2e this to keep sanity
9ust='orld hypothesis= e2erything happens for some logi&al reason
9e's are killed )e&ause they are defe&ti2eL )lame the 2i&tim
7here is reason for e2erything
Aalta Conferen)e (3eb6 19!B)- meeting of the ig 7hree to finali;e future of Germany
0FFA, #inston Chur&hill, 9oseph Stalin3
+( Germany and erlin8 7emporarily0%3 di2ided, four o&&upation ;ones
0So2iet, +meri&an, ritish, and Fren&h3
Fi2ided into 4 o&&upation ;ones 0)oth the nation itself and erlin3
o Pre2ents +meri&ans from returning to isolationism
o 6&&upation ;ones temporary
erlin sits inside So2iet o&&upation ;one-this is a pro)lem
( Poland and Eastern Europe > national )orders and *7he Fe&laration on
<i)erated Europe.
Fe&laration of <i)erated Europe
o Eastern Europe 'ill ha2e free ele&tions 0announ&ed3
o Poland mo2es
SC gets part of it
Poland gets part of Germany
C( Aeparations8 7he future of Germany
?o' mu&h 'ill Germany pay%
Fo not 'ant punishment 0C(S( and ritain3
o 5eed strong e&onomi& Germany
o +llo' for German e&onomy to re&o2er
o #eak Germany M 'eak Europe M Europe open to StalinL
&ommunism preys on 'eakened e&onomy &ountries
So2iets get R of German reparations
F( 7he Cnited 5ations 0esta)lished 6&t( 1G4P3
5eed forum to deal 'ith pro)lems and not go to 'ar again
1( 7he General +ssem)ly
+ll &ountries mem)ers
+ny pro)lem &an )e )rought and de)ated here
2( 7he Se&urity Coun&il and the 2eto
Fe&isions made here
10 &ountries sit on &oun&il
o P rotating mem)ers, P permanent mem)ers
o e2ery permanent mem)er has a 2eto
o 1 2eto kills de&ision 0a)solute 2eto3
China, Fran&e, ritain, C(S(, SC permanent
The -o.iet @nion
E( Stalin@s 0mis3understanding of the 4alta Conf(L 7he +meri&an pu)li&@s
0mis3understanding of the 4alta Conf(
Stalin figures Fe&laration is mad to satisfy FFA &on&erned 'ith
2oting +meri&ans
o Stalin is not interested in free ele&tions
o Foesn@t think Fe&laration is sin&ere$real
o +meri&ans think it@s realL think Stalin is good and 'ill hold
9oseph Stalin, :arxism 7otalitarianism, and Eastern Europe
#e are 'orking to free the 'orking &lass from exploitation
o 7otal e/uality
o Festroy pri2ate property
o 7his seems 2ery attra&ti2e
So2iet Cnion does not ha2e :arxist ideals implemented
o 5o pri2ate sphereL state is al'ays 'ith you, told 'hat to
think, no outside sour&es
Sends So2iet prisoners of 'ars to Iulak &on&entration &amps
o Foes not trust them, minds ha2e )een polluted in P6#
Stalin fears that outside 'orld is seeking to destroy So2iet Cnion
#orld 2ie'8 &onfli&t
Controls eastern EuropeL red army dominates it
o uild fen&e, prote&t eastern Europe from the outside 'orld
Germany &ut into 4 parts8 So2iet Cnion, C(S(, ritain, and Fran&e
o Stalin had promised to free Eastern EuropeL )ut has no
intention of it
Contain%ent ("eor$e ,ennan) (3eb6 19!9)
?istorian and diplomat
+meri&an em)assy at :os&o'L runs it, +meri&an representati2e
Says you &an@t 'ork 'ith StalinL no &ompromise )e&ause Stalin is too
o :arxism assumes &onfli&t
#e 'ill not go to 'ar, So2iet Cnion is not readyL Stalin only 'ants
easy 2i&tories
Foreign poli&y of ContainmentL )uild a 'all around them
o uild &ountries )ordering So2iet Cnion 0'estern Europe3
e&onomi&ally, militarily, industrially
o #all of &ontainment
o 62ertime, so2iet union 'ith no easy 2i&tories, no expansion, no
hope 'ill mello' out and open up to the 'estern 'orld or
destroy itself
Tru%an Do)trine (*ar)h 19!7)
C(S( 'ill prote&t all freedom lo2ing peoples in this 'orld, all people
'ho 'ant demo&ra&y
Prote&t them from the So2iet Cnion
Glo)alL end of isolationism 0&annot turn our )a&ks to the 'orld3
Commitment to prote&t freedom e2ery'here
*arshall lan (0une 19!7)
Europe is still de2astated, Germany is still di2ided
CS 'ill re)uild 'estern Europe
o Gi2e money to re&o2ering &ountries
o Form of &ontainment8 )uilding &ountries up e&onomi&ally and
making sure they are politi&ally sta)le
o K12 )illion distri)uted
Germany split8 S in #estern Europe, T in Eastern Europe 01ron
De)oloni>ation (19BB-)8 does not make sense to &ontinue imperialism 0fight against
fas&ism3, European people tired, &oloni;ed &ountries 'ant freedomL optimism to )e self=
+( 7he non=aligned mo2ement8 the andung &onferen&e, +pril 1GPP 01ndonesia,
Egypt, 1ndia, &hina3
The #andun$ Conferen)e ((ndonesia/ 19BB)
o Freed from Fut&h &ontrol
o 7he non=aligned mo2ementL part of de&oloni;ation period
+ll &ountries 'ho 'ant to a2oid &old 'ar should attend
2PN 'orld@s population is represented at this
Egypt 01GP23
1ndia 01G4E3
China 01G4G3
6utside should not interfere as 'e make our o'n
End exploitation
End 'estern &ontrol of e&onomies
o <eader of 1ndonesia o2erthro'n, Egypt )e&omes so2iet &lient
state, 1ndia )e&omes so2iet &lient state, China &on2erts to
&ommunism 0Cold #ar is ines&apa)le3
So2iets and C(S( &annot fight dire&tlyL 'ill fight
through proxies 0allies3
Dennis Dalton (*ohandas "andhi)/ 18on.iolent ower in ;)tion2- see dis)ussion
S'ara!8 freedom
Satyagraha= o)taining po'er through truth and lo2e
reak ne2er=ending se/uen&e of 2iolen&e
3rant> 3anon/ 1Con)ernin$ Ciolen)e2- see dis)ussion notes
Coloni;ation )orn through 2iolen&e, maintained through 2iolen&e, and ends in
*i4hail "orba)he. (19=B-1991)- helped to dissol2e the So2iet Cnion )y opening up
Aussia to #estern 1nfluen&e
Sa' that totalitarianism does not 'ork for e&onomy
o 'e need to t'eak things
o rely on estimates of C1+ to run e&onomy
o rea&hes out to Aonald Aeagan
'e ha2e all these nu&lear 'eapons, &an 'e redu&e them%
Aeagan and Gor)a&he2
o egin to 'ork out nu&lear arms redu&tion treaties
o 7he reali;ation that totalitarianism su&ks
Communi&ation of this in So2iet Cnion and Eastern Europe
egin to disagree 'ith the system
Changes8 ele&tions, protests in Eastern Europe 0Gor)a&he2 allo's
this to happen3
<appD and Collins/ 1Why Can't eople 3eed The%sel.esE2- see dis)ussion notes
Coloni;ation ruins indigenous people@s e&onomies
:anipulate farmers and e&onomy to o'n interestsL &ontrol e2ery aspe&t of it
#hen &olonialism ends, indigenous &ountries ha2e gro'n so dependent on
imperialisti& influen&e that their e&onomies fall apart
-a%uel Huntin$ton/ 1The West? @niFue/ 8ot @ni.ersal2
= :oderni;ation
o 1ndustriali;ation8 agrarian MQ industrialL &hanges in te&hnology
o Cr)ani;ation
o 1n&rease of edu&ation and litera&y
o Centrali;ed politi&al po'er
o 1n&rease of 'ealth
o )ureau&rati;ation
= #estern Ci2ili;ation
o 1ndi2idualism8 indi2idual ethos and &ore 2alues
o #estern Christianity8 Catholi&ism, Protestantism, orthodoxy
o European languages
o Separation of &hur&h and state8 la's are )ased on reason and not
o Aule of la'8 indi2idual rights applies to e2eryone, e2eryone is
prote&ted ) la's, go2ernment enfor&es these la's
o Classi&al lega&y= an&ient greek and roman &ulture
Plato and +ristotle diale&t8 ideal 2s( real, &oming together of
t'o opposed ideas MQ arguing and dis&ussing these ideas MQ
So&rates= /uestion authority, /uestion tradition
o So&ial pluralism and &i2il so&iety
4ou &an )e mem)ers of multiple organi;ations 0pluralism3
1ndependent of the C(S( go2ernment 0&i2il so&iety3
o Aepresentati2e )odies 0demo&ra&y3
= Culture and :oderni;ation
o #estern &i2ili;ation and moderni;ation are not the same thingL
moderni;ation is a pro&ess that affe&ted 'estern &i2ili;ation
o #estern &i2ili;ation is a &ulture
o Countries &an moderni;e )ut don@t ha2e to )e 'esterni;ed
"lobali>ation (loo4 at this )losely)
+( Chara&teristi&s
:any e&onomi& systems
:ostly free markets
1nternational e&onomy e2ol2ed into glo)al e&onomy
o rought a)out )y spread of free market e&onomi&s
o So2ereigns )e&ame more integrated together
1nternationali;ation of produ&tion rather than
Glo)al di2ision of la)orL different nations spe&iali;e in
different things
E&onomi& enterprises that don@t ha2e national
allegian&es 0multinational &orporations38 )usinesses that
operate in different pla&es, different 'ays
1nternational finan&e
( E&onomi& Gro'th
:ass produ&tion )ased on &apital in2estment
o #orkshops MQ fa&otories MQ automated spe&iali;ed fa&tories
o :ore dependent on de2eloping ma&hinery
o E&onomies of s&ale
Ae/uires large amounts of &apital in2estment to operate
and stand
7remenedous impro2ement of transportation and &ommuni&ation
o <a)or and ra' materials &an tra2el around the 'orld
o 1deas and &apital a&an mo2e instantaneous
Glo)al marketing, glo)al finan&e, glo)al in2estment
Glo)ali;ation has made it possi)le to produ&e more effi&iently for less
o :ore people in more pla&es ha2e a&&ess to more produ&ts at
lo'er pri&es
o 1n&rease of e&onomi& 'ealth
o Enlightented self=interest 'ill in&rease inno2ation, 'ealth, and
standard of li2ing in the interest of profit
#orld as experien&ed larger a2erage standard of li2ing
C( E&onomi& 1ne/uality
#ealthiest 1$P of nationsL 'ealth restri&ted to this per&entage
:ore &on&entration of 'ealth and po'er in the hands of fe'er and
fe'er people
7he ine/uality 'ill 'orsen as the glo)ali;ation in&reases
Greater disparan&e of 'ealth
The 3our Ha%%ers- deregulation, pri2ati;ation, tax redu&tion, free trade
o usinesses ask that la's )e redu&ed
#orking &onditions, )uilding restri&tions
o <ess go2ernment presen&e
7ax redu&tions
o #ill demand tax rate )e lo'ered for international &ompanies
o 1n&reases domesti&a and foreigh &ompetition
Free trade= no tariffs
7hese things lead to less po'er for national go2ernment
o +dam Smith ad2o&ated )alan&e of po'er )et'een )usinesses
and go2ernment
o usinesses and go2( a&t as &he&ks for eah other
Competition and order
7his )alan&e is )eing upset
Corporations pressure go2ernment to adopt 4 hammers
1f go2ernments don@t adopt them, &orporations 'ill go
else'hereL modern go2ernments are hostages%
1nternational )usinesses are gro'ing larger and fe'er
MQ heading to'ards monopoli;ation
o 7his 1s )ad )e&ause )usinesess are not responsi)le for so&iety
7hey should &are only for their profita)ility
1f you 'anna play the glo)al game, you must play )y glo)al rules
o 1f you do not o)ey rules, in2estment and !o)s 'ill go a'ay
o Glo)ali;ation means that people are in&reasingly 2ulnera)le to
e&onomi& for&es )eyone their &ontrol
0oseph -ti$lit>/ 1"lobali>ation and (neFuality2- see dis)ussion notes
?o' the 1:F is keeping the poorer nations poor
South Iorea example 2s( +fri&a example
Tri)4le Down +)ono%i)s (-ti$lit>)- idea that 'hen the ri&h get ri&her 0'ealthy
de2eloped &ountries in this &ase3 the poor 'ill )enefit from the *tri&kle=do'n. of money
due to an expanding e&onomy
#hen the 'ealthy )enefit, they 'ill ha2e more money to spend
7his leads to higher demand 0'hen you ha2e money you 'ant to &onsume3
usinesses 'ill then 'ant to expand 'ith the in&rease in profits leading to the
need for more 'orkers
7he need for more 'orkers 'ill lead to an in&rease in 'ages 0in&rease in demand
for la)or3
1:F &laimed this 'ould happen
Stiglit; point of 2ie'8
o 7ri&kle=do'n effe&t does not happen
o E2iden&e sho's that glo)al e&onomy makes ri&h ri&her )ut the poor e2en
Glo)ali;ation in&reases the e&onomi& gap
o E2en 'ithin &ountries, although in&reasing salaries )enefit the elite it does
not )enefit the lo'er &lasses
#enGa%in #arber/ 10ihad .s6 *)World2
ar)er@s main thesis is that demo&ra&y around the 'orld is threatened )y t'o
seemingly opposed phenomena( 7he first he &alls 9ihad( ?is point is that the
pro&esses of moderni;ation and glo)ali;ation ha2e led to the rise of religious and
nationalist mo2ements a&ross the glo)e that re!e&t the interdependen&e,
indi2idualism, and &ultural &hanges resulting from these pro&esses( 7hese anti=
moderni;ation and anti=glo)ali;ation mo2ements tend to )e 2iolent,
undemo&rati&, and )a&k'ard looking(
:&#orld, )y &ontrast, refers to the )elief that the future 'ill )e a )eautiful one,
)rought to us )y te&hnology, glo)al markets, and &ultural uniformity 0e2eryone
'ill like the same things3( #e@ll eat the same things, shop at the same stores, see
the same mo2ies, rely on the same te&hnology, do e2erything faster=and=faster,
and e2entually li2e in one )ig, 'arm and fu;;y, glo)al, inter=&onne&ted
&ommunity( 7he do'nside, ho'e2er, is that the nation=state 'ill )e no more,
glo)al &orporations, al'ays in sear&h of e2er higher profits, 'ill rule the 'orld,
and demo&ra&y 'ill )e dead(
oth trends, seemingly so di2ergent, undermine demo&ra&y and &i2il so&iety,
lea2ing humanity su)!e&t to the endless 2iolen&e of the 9ihadists and the amoral
profit=seeking of glo)al &orporations(
;%y Chua/ 1"lobali>in$ Hate2
+s for +my Chua, 'e &o2ered most of her argument, )ut 1 'anted to add a fe'
more points( She argues that the re&ent rise in the num)er of )rutal murders of
e&onomi&ally dominant, ethni& minorities in pla&es like the Philippines and
1ndonesia &an )e attri)uted to t'o phenomena8 Femo&ra&y and :arket
o Femo&ra&y gi2es rise to ele&toral politi&s, 'ith politi&ians, seeking 2otes,
'anting to find a s&apegoat to )lame for 'hate2er pro)lems affe&t the
ma!ority of the population( So in a &ountry like the Philippines, Filipino
politi&ians rile up and get the 2otes of the Filipino ma!ority )y talking
a)out the unfairness of 1N of the population &ontrolling H0N of the
o Chua then extends her argument out to a glo)al s&ale( +&&ordingly, the
Cnited States and the de2eloped 'orld in general )e&ome the
e&onomi&ally dominant minority and the remainder, the underde2eloped
and de2eloping 'orlds, the resentful and 2iolen&e=prone ma!ority(
+s Prof( :&Grath said in his Glo)ali;ation le&ture and Stiglit;
argued in his arti&le, 'hile glo)al 'ealth has in&reased
tremendously in the past fe' de&ades, the top 1$P of the 'orld@s
e&onomies ha2e )enefited far more from it than ha2e the other
The * 1*ardi "ras? *ade in China2
+s you 'at&h, &onsider the &ontrast )et'een the li2es of the 'orkers, mostly female, 'ho
produ&e the ne&kla&es and the partiers in 5e' 6rleans(
#hy are the ne&kla&es made in China%
o 5e&kla&es are made in China )e&ause the &heap la)or
o :ost of the 'orkers are young 'omen 0around DPN3 'ho are 'illing to
'ork for lo'er 'ages
?o' are the 'orkers treated%
o #ork long 'orking hoursL don@t ha2e many or 2ery long )reaks
o Serious di2ision of la)or
o #orking &onditions are dangerous in some 'aysL seems dirty in some
'ays too
o #orkers are taken ad2antage of 'hen it &omes to 'ages
o :ay)e e2en degraded in some 'ays, many think they are not smartL kind
of treated that 'ay too
o 7reated like 'orking minionsL o'ner of the fa&tory thinks that they like to
'ork e2en despite the lo' 'ages and 'orking &onditionsL
?e in a 'ay sym)oli;es the 'ealthy nations@ perspe&ti2e on
glo)ali;ationL he is the one )enefitting and therefore )e&ause his
)usiness is prosperous, he )elie2es his 'orkers )enefit from this as
o #omen &an@t intera&t 'ith male 'orkersL no relationships permitted
?o' a'are are the folks in 5e' 6rleans of the origin of the ne&kla&es%
o 5ot 2ery a'areL 'hen asked many do not kno'
o :any are pro)a)ly too 'asted to kno'
o #hen sho'n photographs of the Chinese ne&kla&e fa&tories many are
surprised and distur)ed
#hy are people 'illing to do any num)er of things they 'ould not normally do to
get the ne&kla&es%
o ?ype of the &ele)ration
o 7radition%
#hat is Fa2id Aedmon, the filmmaker, trying to say a)out the effe&ts of
glo)ali;ation on the exporting &ountries 0China in this
&ase3 and the importing &ountries 0the C(S( in this &ase3%
Glo)ali;ation is &reating a larger gap )et'een the o'ners$'ealthy nations
and the 'orking &lass
7he 'ealthy are feeding off the profits of glo)ali;ation 'hilst the la)or
doesn@t usually )enefit from these profits
o :any are still struggling to s&rape )y and sur2i2e off their 'ages
o :any of the 'orkers don@t ha2e an edu&ation past middle s&hool

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