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Rachel Gruber Symbolism in Young Goodman Brown

The short story Young Goodman Brown is about a man who wanders into a forest to
meet none other than the Devil himself. At the time, Brown does not realize who he is walking
with, and also meets a few more familiar faces along their journey. The tone and theme are
conveyed through the symbols of the dark and eerie forest, as well Browns enticement to
investigate what is really happening in the forest as well as who all is involved.
The tone shifts throughout this short story in the sense that Brown is first curious and
tempted to walk with the Devil through the mysterious forest, and then becomes apprehensive
and distant from everyone in his town after he sees what was really going on. As they continue
on their voyage, Brown becomes fatigued, so the Devil tells him to sit here and rest yourself a
while; and when you feel like moving again, there is my staff to help you along (Hawthorne 4).
The staff is what transports Brown deeper into the forest towards the ceremony that is journey
about to take place. When he arrives, Brown is surprised to see many respectable people from his
town, as well as his wife, Faith. Not knowing what to think when he gets home, Brown no longer
trusts anyone in his village, and isolates himself as a result of what he witnessed in the forest.
There are various themes that can be interpreted from this short story, but fear or
curiosity of the unknown i.e. the forest is what is noticeably prevalent throughout. To enter the
forest, Brown must take a dreary road, darkened by all the gloomiest trees (Hawthorne 1)
which seems to be a very particularly lonely place full of solitude. Brown becomes highly
skeptical about if someone, specifically a devilish Indian, is lurking behind the trees, watching
him as he journeys along the path. Brown realizes that the forest is where corruption amongst his
fellow villagers takes place, evoking shock and disbelief. The forest is characterized to be a
devilish, frightening, and dark place; the perfect setting for a Satanic ritual.
Comment [C1]: Change to happening
Comment [C2]: Change word to excursion
Comment [C3]: Tie this back to symbolism by
stating that the forest represents darkness and evil,
like the people in his town
Comment [C4]: Add and the revelation of
peoples dark sides.

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