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Gruber 1

Rachel GruberNathans Preface13 March 2014

I thought that coming to the Congo would be a fresh start for me and my family.
That I could spread Christianity to the Congolese and that people would be willing to
convert their faith to Jesus Christ. I know now that the people within this village live their
lives day-to-day by believing in what has been going right for them so far. They dont
want to be Christians because God hasnt provided rain for quite some time now; that
God hasnt provided any food ever since the deadly ant stampede. I deliver sermons
that I believe will benefit the Congolese and open their eyes to see how great God is.
While I was giving a sermon in the makeshift church here in Kilanga, Tata Ndu had the
audacity to interrupt me to have a vote on whether or not the village will be Christians.
The blasphemy! My faith lost eleven to fifty-six.
Jesus Christ saved me. After the Bataan Death March, I was the only man that
survived from regimen. I do not know why God let me live and let my other men die, but
I like to think of this as a second chance. In the beginning, when I heard about the fate
of my men, I felt weak. The only reason that I am alive now is because I was injured and
sent to a hospital to recover while my men were killed. I would say, Why me God? and
hate the fact that I am the only survivor, but then I think of how lucky I am to be alive.
God chose me for a reason; to spread his word and save thousands of souls. It is my
sole mission to follow Gods order to do whatever I can to spread Christianity, at
whatever the cost. Yes, I made my family move half way around the world so that I was
able to spread Gods word, and yes, I would do it all over again without any hesitation. It
is my mission in life to repay the debt that I owe God for allowing me to live, and I will
save as many souls on this planet, even if it costs me everything I love.
Comment [C1]: Change to a comma
Comment [C2]: Change word to regime

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