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Duc/Duct - lead

Conductor (n) leader

Educate (v) to lead to knowledge
Abduct (v) to lead away
Introduction (n) something that leads you into a
new idea
Deduct (v) to lead down, take away
Reduce (v) minimize, make smaller
Induce (v) lead into, bring on, begin

Sequ/Sec - follow
Sequel (n) continuation of a story, a story that
Sect (n) a group of followers, or believers
Consequence (n) result of an action (follows an
Subsequent (adj) following an event
Consecutive (adj) one after another
Non sequitor not in order
Flu - flow
Fluctuate (v) changing the flow, rises and falls
Influx- (n) something flowing in
Fluid (n, adj) substance that changes shape
based on its container
Fluent (adj.) smooth flowing
Superfluous (adj) extra, over-flowing
Affluence (n) - wealth
Ver/ Vert - turn
Convert (n, v) change (or turn) in form or belief
Vertig0 (n) dizziness
Reverse (v) to go back, turn around
Inverse (n, adj) something that has been
turned, or undone
Extravert (n) outgoing person
Conversation (n) talking in turn

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