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Callahan Cox Symbolism in Young Goodman Brown

In the mysterious short story Young Goodman Brown by Nathaniel

Hawthorne secrets lie behind every corner. Or in this case, every tree, due to the story
taking place in the woods outside the 17
century village of Salem. Symbolism
envelopes the story as Young Goodman Brown travels down a very dark path with an
unknown destination that will leave him questioning everything he believes.
As the name suggests Young Goodman Brown epitomizes the innocent, nave
values of Puritanical New England. The fact that he is referred to as young suggests
that he portrays the semblances of children in their virtuous existences. He exemplifies
this as he walks with the Devil and believes that he can escape his evil, I will stand yet
firm against the devil! (p. 315). His name is after all Goodman suggesting that he has
the qualities of the Good. Although as the Devil further persuades Brown through
implying that his ancestors were anything but good, I have been well acquainted with
your family (p. 311). And that even the one who helps Goodman remain worthy, his
wife, has given in to the devilish ways of witchcraft, has made him start to waver on his
convictions. The very fact that his wifes name is Faith suggests that she ties him to his
beliefs, and that when she is thought to be devilish then all hope is lost for Brown.
Even after being led down a dark and scary path by the Devil, in the dead of
night, when nothing good can happen, in theory Goodman Brown is able to escape the
lure of evil. Whether a dream or not, he does reject the ways of the coven by shouting,
Look up to Heaven, and resist the Wicked One! (p. 319). These symbols add to the
mystifying tone of the story, which suggest a community living in the shadows. The
attempts at innocence being taken over to the dark side also adds to the theme of
innocence being stolen by the evils of the world.
Callahan Cox 5/2/14 11:17 AM
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Comment [10]: 1'9%1"

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