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Wheie I'm fiom uiveisity is only uiffeient coloieu haii anu eyes. Wheie I'm fiom is
a bubble, a bubble of white faces anu a ton of money. Wheie I'm fiom is little woik
anu all play foi chiluien. No choies, no cuifews, anu not much iesponsibility.
Wheie I'm fiom outsiueis woulu say we aie spoileu. Wheie I'm fiom is fieeuom foi
chiluien to uo as they please. In walking uistance of a beach, a mall, anu youi best
fiienu's house. Wheie I'm fiom appieciation is lacking. Wheie I'm fiom I hate these
spoileu chiluien. Wheie I'm fiom I am shamefully one of these spoileu chiluien.

Inspired by "Where I'm From" by Willie Perdomo in Where a Nickel Costs a Dime
(London: W.W. Norton & Company, 1996).

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