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The Blue box by rufo_rul

Once upon a time, there was a boxes family, it was small, formed just by the parents and
the little son Lucky, which was in almost all ways common, square face, cube form, except
by one thing, he was not of the usual brown color, he was blue.
Their lovely parents always told him it was because he was a very special box, and altough
he was graceful about that, he never stopped to wonder the real reason of his color. Later
years when he grew up, he decided to travel around the world and try to find someone like
him. At the beggining he was enthusiastic, and happily, visited all the possible places, from
one corner to another, but eventually, after the whole trip, he felt upset when realized that
he was the only box whit a different color.
Finally, when he was living hopeless to find someone like him, an unexpected turn
happened, a beautiful and smart squared face blue box appeared apparently out of
nowhere, he inmediatly he felt in love whit her and they soon lived happily forever.

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