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In all of my previous essays, I have called the technology of ectogenesis the

artificial womb. I have chosen womb instead of uterus because of the association of the
word womb with womens bodies versus uterus, which is the scientific word for the
organ that does not take the whole woman into account. For the last few centuries,
womens bodies have been medicalized and analyzed for differences from men. By using
the word womb over uterus, I am reclaiming my womb from science and representing a
hope that an artificial human reproducer would be a technology claimed by women. But,
for this essay I will switch to uterus as I look into the science of reproduction and
humans. In particular, I will classify what an artificial uterus is and look into the
obstacles it faces into becoming a reality. Science is not only blocked by the limited
knowledge in some areas but by the way science is set up in todays society.

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