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Amanda Agnew

PDA summative reflection

This semester I feel like I ventured out and expanded my knowledge through Professional
Development. Through all the different activities I experienced shaped me as a future educator. I
loved the Dr. Holcomb s NafME Halloween event was one of my favorites. He helped us learn a
more in depth understanding of cannon. Using different theoretical structure of a melodic line
and to identify divisions in a melodic line, instead of instructing us where to divide it was up to
us to realize where the lines would lay. That event really aided me in a musicianship stand point.
Attending the Lynnel Jenkins event really showed me what it is to be a fluid teacher. She
is an inspiration to me and I can only wish to be as amazing as she is. Her familiarity with all the
music and how to transition was impeccable. Her teaching was very organic not only to her, but
to everyone involved in her workshop. I can tell how much of a caring entity she is and I aspire
to be like her. She emulates everything I want to be as an educator.
Those are two of the many events I attended this semester. Those events along with
rehearsal observations, master classes, etc. were applied to all aspects of understanding my craft.
Not only the nitty gritty, but getting into the emotional based acting involved in music impacted
me a lot. Being able to comprehend more than conducting fluidity being able to connect and
make learning fun was a main staple in my PDA for this semester. Learning to be connected to
pieces and lessons to convey genuine interest is something that Ive learned is necessary in a
These events I attended along with my new comprehension of critical pedagogy brought
together my understanding of music education. I learned so much about being an educator over
this semester and it makes me excited for the spring semester to further expand my knowledge of
music education.

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