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Block specifications

Block 1: This block has a model of summing inverting amplifier. We have two inputs of different
frequencies and equal voltages. We can vary those voltages using potentiometer, so when
potentiometers on max, our output is 400mVpp. When R pot is min, we have Vout = 10mVpp.
Calculations: -(R2/R1)*V1 (R2/R1)*V2 = Vout
Solving we got: R1 = 512.8 Ohms, R2 = 102.56 Ohms.

Block 2: To build this circuit we used an inverting amplifier. We also used Rpot = 20 kOhms, to control
the signal. It acts as a filter for high and low frequencies. Solving the equations we get R1= 10 kOhms, R2
= 2.2 kOhms and gain 3.3 which is close to 3.

Block 3: Volume control part. When Rpot is on max position all energy dissipates in resistor, so that no
voltage goes to output.

Block 4: This circuit needed to create LED reference for audio signals. We place voltage divider to 9V
power source. The divider gives us specific values. The comparators are attached to the voltage dividers
from negative terminal. They help to indicate whether the LED should light up or not. From positive
terminal our Vin is attached. The LED lights up when value from positive terminal exceeds negative one.
LEDs are( V = 3.3V, Imax = 10mA).
From calculations we get R1= 222.22 kOhms, R2 = 1kOhms, R3 = 0,5kOhms, R4 = 1kOhms, R5 = 0.5
kOhms. We also have to calculate R limiting, because I max = 10mA. R lim = 570 Ohms.

Block 5: Here in order to get rid of the loading effect we used a power amplifier. This amplifier makes a
buffer capable for speaker R = 25 Ohms.

All together blocks:

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