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How is ethnicity represented in the Hotel Babylon Extract?

In this extract ethnicity is represented through mice en scene. For example through the costumes
they are wearing. We can see that all the immigrants are having lower jobs which can be seen
through their working costumes. The black people in this extract are illegal workers who are working
in this hotel as a chambermaid which isnt stereotypical because this work is normally done by
women. This shows that black people are represented as being lower class and not able to get a
better job. They are also working illegal immigrants in the hotel which shows that they have a bad
cultural background because they had to flee from their country.
Camerawork is also an aspect through which ethnicity is represented. An example for this can be
seen when the police officers enter the hotel. A black guy is sitting in the lobby and while the police
officer is walking past him a high angle is looking down on him which represents him as being a less
dominant character. A mid shot is used in the same scene so that the audience is able to get a close
look of him. We can see his emotions clearer which shows that he puts his newspaper down. This
reaction shows that he is scared and represents him in a stereotypical way because it is said that
black people are weak and scared of white people.
Another technique through which ethnicity is represented is the use of sound. The dialogue used in
this clip is very important to understand what is going on. An example for this is when the lady at the
reception askes the black guy sitting on a sofa a random question but this question isnt random for
him because it is the sign for him to tell all the illegal workers that they have to hide because there
will be a search for illegal immigration going on. This represents the woman in a positive way
because through this she is helping them to hide from the police. It also shows that she respects the
culture of other countries.

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