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I would like to tell your about our school life.

I go to school five days a week. Our classes start at 8 o'clock and last till 2o'clock. So we have 5 or
6 lessons day. We study any different sub!ects" #ussian$ %nglish$ literatures$ history$ geogra&hy$
biology$ &hysics$ cheistry$ atheatics.
'anguages$ literature and history are y favourite sub!ects. I have good arks in these sub!ects.
(he school year is divided into four ters$ called )uarters. It begins on the *st of Se&teber known
as a +ay of knowledge and finishes in ,ay.
%ach )uarter is followed by holidays. %very &u&il has a day-book where the teachers &ut down the
arks$ that &u&il has earned at the class. +uring the classes &u&ils are to answer the teacher's
)uestions$ do soe e.ercises$ write sentences$ count$ read.
(he &u&ils are often called to the blackboard. /fter every lesson
the teachers give us hoe assignent. /t the ne.t lesson the
teachers check the u&. (o do good at school one should ake
hoe assignents regularly$ be active at the lessons and s&end
at least two-three hours every day studying.
I like studying. ,y favourite &roverb is 0'ive and learn0.

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