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A time for people to

remember the 45,000 people

who die each year; 120 a
day; 5 while we pray; or 1
every 12 minutes because of
barriers to needed health
care… and to honor their
Join us in this time
memory with action to create to remember and to
a health care future that raise our voices in
includes all of us.
faith, hope & action!

Tuesday, November 17 6:30 pm

Antioch Baptist Church
8869 Cedar Avenue, Cleveland 44106
(at the corner of E. 89th and Cedar)

United Pastors in Mission; United Church of Christ; Faithful Reform in Health
Care; North East Ohio Consumers for Health Coverage; Trinity Episcopal
Cathedral; Lutheran Metropolitan Ministries; UHCAN Ohio

For more information call 216.241.8422 x21.

A time for people to
remember the 45,000 people
who die each year; 120 a
day; 5 while we pray; or 1
every 12 minutes because of
barriers to needed health
care… and to honor their
Join us in this time
memory with action to create to remember and to
a health care future that raise our voices in
includes all of us.
faith, hope & action!

Tuesday, November 17 6:30 pm

Antioch Baptist Church
8869 Cedar Avenue, Cleveland 44106
(at the corner of E. 89th and Cedar)

United Pastors in Mission; United Church of Christ; Faithful Reform in Health
Care; North East Ohio Consumers for Health Coverage; Trinity Episcopal
Cathedral; Lutheran Metropolitan Ministries; UHCAN Ohio

For more information call 216.241.8422 x21.

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