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The Silicon Island Times

The Worthy
Spread Hate
and Fear
By R.L. Steinberg
Hatred and
destruction have
spread around
the Island. Since
the tragic death
of Professor
Marko Worth, the
Worthy have
been flocking to
Silicon Island as one person
interviewed called A pilgrimage to
the place our Martyr died for the
sins of equalist. Locals have noted
that they want stronger immigration
policies on the Island with the recent
outbreak of outsider crime. They
have caused both looting and major
damage to local stores.

A recent wave of child
By George R.R. Martian
Child abductions have caused all of
the transport off of the Island to be
shut down for the near future.
Parents are warned to avoid
any pie like objects found
around children play areas.
They are also requested to bring any
purple hairs they find to justice for
sampling. There is a reported 60
Children missing already. St. Marys
hospital had 20 vanish in one night.

The new sheriff in town
By Bethany Flavin
Commander Scout Flavin has led
newest charge against crime
bringing down an illegal moonshine
Making Empire down that he says
may have connections with the
death of Mayor Nook. He also
arrested a member of worldwide
piracy ring known as the piratebay.
Commander Flavin was awarded the
medal of service by the RIAA. He will
also receive a generation 2 police V.T.
from Samsung Techwin for his noble

A farewell to
a beloved
By. Jordan
Mayor Nook was
a mayor of the
people. She
fought for our
freedoms in this
world of corporate structure and our
lack of personal freedoms. She was
the true of pioneer of advance
programs and progress for our
people. Its a shame her killer is still
on the loose. She deserves to be
replaced by someone who stands for
freedom. Front runners for her
position are rumored the be Stacy
Kent a researcher at Lockheed and
Jadevon Smith the islands first sports
hero. Jadveon spent most of his
career as the Silicon Island Tsunamis
back-up quarterback. He might not
be Joe Montana but at least he
wasnt a fraud like Brendon Veleco.

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