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Questions for summative assessment

Answer the following (1x5 5 marks)

1. Segment of DNA which codes for a specific polypeptide is -----------
2. Fertilizers and pesticides are called ------------------
3. -------- and --------------- are called purines.
4. The backbone of the DNA helix is called ------------
5. DNA facilitates transmission of -----------------

Match the following (1x5 5 marks)
6. Bacillus thuringiensis monomer
7. Nucleoside Transgenic animal
8. Humulin genetic engineering
9. Nucleotide Cry protein
10. Rosie Deoxyribose sugar and base

Answer the following ( 5x5 25 marks)
11. Describe semi-conservative replication
12. Discuss the ethical issues against advancement in science and technology?
13. Explain the application of Biotechnology in medicine.
14. Describe the structure of DNA
15.Assess the advantages of genetically modified crops in agriculture.

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