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A man in a dark study writes in a journal. See a drawing of a swan, the page turns
and there is a drawing of a giant and scribbled notes
The man becomes more manic in his writing and the candle flickers and then goes
A close up of the grass, including clovers and a shoe treads on them. A woman
talking on her phone carrying a box walks across the grass towards a house
atherine walks into the house puts stuff down hangs up phone and looks around
the room lost and bored.
atherine walks along a wall of books stroking her fingers across the spines, some
of the titles are written in "rish. #ne book falls out onto the ground once she
walks by, making her jump and turn around.
She picks up the old journal and tries to open it, but its covered in dust which
makes her cough so she wipes it and starts to read.
$er voice morphs into a mans voice, and we start to see the story.
%The story& An old woman drags a young girl through a field to the edge of a lake
by her hair and lets her fall the the ground. The girl screams for the woman to
stop and but receives a slap in the face.
A mans hand writes the story into the notebook, with the words that transform the
girl into a swan for '()) years'
*e return to the lake where the girl has disappeared and watch the old woman
walk alongside the water away into the distance.
The voice morphs back into atherine's where she closes the book and looks
around at the now dark room, and blows out the candle leaving the room dark.
atherine walks outside (new day! to throw rubbish away and hears some strange
noises, like swans, birds and water. She goes to take a look and is startled by
a man.
The man introduces himself as the grounds keeper. And informs Katherine about
the strange things that happen at this house and tells her to be careful.
Katherine goes back into the house to find the journal has moved and is open. So
she picks it up and starts to read aloud.
The words are read from the book and shown on the screen. "You will regret
tricking me for the last time Jack! Mark my words you will rue this day!" Spoke
the devil.
atherine frowns down at the page as she continues to read the new story thats
been written into the book. atherine's voices morphs back into the mans
voice and cuts to the man frantically writing it down in the book.
%The words written in the book& "Jack had tricked the devil once too many times,
especially when it came to his time to die and was rejected from oth heaven
and hell. !he devil had a greater punishment for him."
%The story appears on screen& "You must spend an eternity walking this earth." A
man sits under a dark tree with a rusty knife carving turnips and pumpkins
trying to fashion a lantern and tries to light the inside. *hen he gets it lit, he
shines it up to a house that is the one that atherine is in.
The page of the book turns and there is an intricate drawing of the house itself.
Katherine bites her lip and looks toward the window out at the garden.

Europa Video
Film coventry to make it pretty
stood on the steps.maybe speaking
Take the end ad out of the video and replace it with round table info
Medieval society (banquet)
Keep all footage current
Try a time lapse
An advertisement for coventry
we are young (including the video)
Warwick castle
War memorial
Video References - Previous Europa
p3duWmI4w&list=UUCLgssU6eMI7CffUZkN5x6Q&feature=c4-overview - Music
This sunday filming on the steps!!
Get audio equipment
In january I had my script idea, ready to go and send to people who
could possibly be the cast. Here is an extract from it.
EXT. Lake. Day
A step- mother drags a young girl down a sandy bank by her hair to the side of
a lake.
No! Please don't do this
The step mother raises her hand and slaps the girls face. The young girl falls
the the ground and grabs a glass swan out of the pocket of her nightdress.
The step mother glares at the young girl and her eyes turn a different colour.
EXT. Garden. DAY
KATHERINE walks up to a house box under her arm talking on the phone.
Yes I know it's cutting it fine, but it's not like I can get out of it.
Katherine trips and almost drops her box and phone.
Damn it.
No not you. Look I've got to get this house sorted by Monday so I don't really
have time to talk i just want to get it done and go.
Katherine looks down at her phone to see that it is out of service.
Katherine walks up to the already open doors of the house and takes a look
INT. House. Day
Katherine walks in the house and places the box on the table. She looks
around the room, sighs and starts looking through the place. She drags her
fingers along the spines of various books on a shelf, as she walks past one
falls out behind her. Katherine turns to pick up the book and open it but it
won't open. She shrugs and puts it down on a table and turns away. The sound
of a creak makes her turn around, as the book opens by itself. Katherine turns
slowly back to the book and picks it up. She starts reading the page tracing
the words with her fingers.
She arose from the water and walked into her human form, her natural state.
Clad in her white night dress, now stained with years of neglect, she heads
towards the only thing she remembers.
EXT. Lake. Dusk.
The young girl walks up the bank away from the lake with wet hair and damp
clothing, bare foot. She places her pale hand in her pocket and pulls out a
glass swan. A snap of a twig alerts her attention. She looks to the direction of
the sound, and makes a piercing scream.
A Banshee.
INT. House. Dusk.
Katherine frowns at the book and bites her lip. Her phone goes off to signal
she has a text and she sees how late it has got. She rubs her eyes. A bang on
the window makes her jump and drop the book on the floor. She walks toward
the window and tries to look out of it.
The wind whips the trees back and forth and the lights from the house light up
the sky.
Katherine turns back and shakes her head. She picks up the book, to see the
pages are bare. She frantically flicks through the pages to find nothing. She
looks down at her hands and notices there is dark ink on them. She flips her
hands over to see the words from the book printed on them. She tries to rub
the ink off but it was no good. She rushes out of the room.
Sound of running water
The book lies on the ground closed, the background changes and the book is
sitting in someones lap.
EXT. Field. DAY.
A mans hand picks up the quill and starts to write in the pages of the note
book. As he writes he reads the words aloud.
I shouldn't have tricked HIM, he was as unmerciful as everyone had warned
me, but in my youth I was foolish.
The AUTHOR flips a coin and catches it in his hand. He smiles darkly and his
eyes crinkle. He goes back to writing in the book.
Bound to walk this earth alone. It's a lonely thought, but something I am not
inclined too. I'm never alone though. Not as long as I posses the will to write.
He flicks through the pages and there is a drawing of a swan, and a carved
turnip. He then closes the book and starts the carve the wood in his hand. The
author gets up from the ground and walks to the front of a house and places
the carving of a person onto the porch.
Katherine walks back into the room looking at her hands, checking the ink was
all gone. She picks the book up off the floor and opens it. The words are there.
She places it on the table and starts to walk away. The sound of a knocking at
the door makes her jump. She walks out of the room, and the words "The
doorbell rings and Katherine goes to answer it" appear on the page.
Ext. Outside the house. Dusk.
Katherine opens the door and looks around. She bends down to pick
something off the ground. She looks closely at the old carved person and
The sound of a young girls scream.
Int. rOOM. Dusk.
The words "I'm never alone." appear on the page.

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