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Exercitiu 9

1.recent 5.concerns 9.outdated

2.operate 6.stored 10.good
3.range 7.highly
4.reflects 8.bear

EX 10. sunt niste expresii care se formeaza prin alaturarea cuvintelor din cele doua coloane
In stanga iti scriu expresiile formate si in dreapta intelesul lor dar in engleza ca e foarte usor
Break the mould-(adica a face ceva nou ,diferit) do something completely now
Blind someone with science-confuse someone with technological know-how
Move with the times-adopt new fashions and trends
Be somebodys guinea pig-allow somebody to experiment on you
Once in a blue moon-very rarely
Turn the clock back-go back in time
Come down to earth-be realistic
Reinvent the wheel-rediscover something
It doesnt take a rocket scientist=it doesnt require a lot of intelligence
Stand the test of time-last for a long time
b.1.Jeff finally come down to the earth after his employer explained to him that extra responsibilities
went along with his new promotion
2.In order to ensure our companys continued success we have to move with the times.
3.I dont know why you think hes so special.It doesnt take a rocket scientist to install a software
4.Youre blinding me with science with all that technological language.Just tell me in simple terms
how to connect to the Internet.
5.Sue can you be my guinea pig for this new program I designed?

La 11 sunt niste cuvinte subliniate si tu trb sa le inlocuiesti cu alea care ti le dau ei private 2. In any event 3 in the light of the long run 5. In brief writing

La b trb sa faci enunturi cu alea care raman pe din afara: in fact,in spite of,in person,in case
He was ,in fact the first man to walk on the moon
He s done very well in spite of his lack of formal qualifications
I think you should tell him the news in person,not by phone.
In case of fire ,press this button to activate the fire alarm

Si astea sun propozitiile ,gata si 11

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