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Bill to Law Quiz

Multiple Choice: Answer the questions below by choosing the best correct response.
____1. How many steps are there in the lawmaking process?
a. 12
b. 9
c. 6
d. 14
____2. What is the Committee called that iron out the differences between the House and
Senate Bills?
a. Conference
b. Joint
c. Select
d. Rules
____3. Who can introduce bills to Congress?
a. Individual Citizens
b. Corporations
c. NGOs
d. A Congress-member
____4. How many votes are needed to override a Presidential veto?
a. 51%
b. 67%
c. 50%
d. 60%
____5. What is a filibuster?
a. Force the President to sign a bill
b. A type of Presidential veto
c. Used by the minority party to block bills in the Senate
d. Override of a Presidential veto
True/False: Place a T if the statement is true. Place an O if the statement is false. In order
to receive credit for a false answer, an O must be placed.
___6. Only the House can initiate bills.
___7. A pocket veto is conducted when the President puts a bill in his pocket.
___8. Bills in either house have the prefix C. #
___9. In the House, the bill must pass through the House Rules Committee before it can
reach the floor for debate and voting.
___10. States must follow all federal laws.

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