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David Avetisian

English 113B
Professor Koning
29 March 2014
Project Text Reflection #3
Solidarity and charity to most people mean the same thing, but they have two different
meanings. Solidarity is when people come together and unite as one equally, whereas charity is
when someone donates to the ones in need but they do not unite as one equally, they are still
separate and different. Bell hooks' book Class Matters was written for one main purpose, that
purpose was to try and cease class segregation. Class segregation has been slowing occurring in
our country and everywhere else around the world but the key way of stopping it is standing in
solidarity. We need to stop being selfish and greedy and stop sharing and caring more for the
poor and those who are in need. To stand in solidarity with the poor people must be willing to
give up a lot of the pleasures and also change they entire lifestyles to live equally and simple just
as most of the poor people do. Therefore standing in solidarity with all classes is really important
to do.
Living simply is another way to stop class segregation because it takes commitment and
determination to do so. Living simply has a lot to do with social class and it also has an effect on
changing and making the world a better place. Living simply has a lot to do with social classes
because in order to live simply you must be committed and determined to give up a lot and be
willing to live with the things the lower class does on a everyday basis. Living simply for the
rich is one of the hardest things to do because of the greediness, selfishness, hedonistic
consumerism, and material longing. There is also fear of being taken advantage of for both the
rich and the poor. The rich think that they are chosen to be wealthy so they must stay that way.
They work hard so they have what they have, why share its unfair for the rich to share just
because they have a lot. The rich think that being with the poor makes them look poor, the rich
want to be richer and richer while the poor keep getting poorer.

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