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Bria Jones

Letter to Andrew
My name is Bria Jones and Im a second semester freshman at UNCC. Im currently undeclared,
but I have plans to major in Athletic Training and go on to get a Masters Degree in Occupational
Therapy. English is one of my least favorite subjects and Ive always had awful teachers. I think Im a
great reader. I love reading and I like to snuggle up with a good suspenseful book when I have some free
time. On the other hand, I dread writing. Its because I was so used to an AP writing style and writing to
meet rubric standards. As a result of last semester I think my writing has improved tremendously, I was
able to write outside the box and the requirements werent as strict as they always have been and I
really enjoyed that.
Im very excited for things in English this semester because Ive heard great things about you as
a professor. This semester I hope to further my research and analytical skills because those are very
important areas in writing and I struggle with them sometimes. When I analyze things I have problems
with going in depth, I usually stay on the surface of things for some reason. I have had very negative
experiences with research and English in general. When I took AP English my junior year, my teacher
didnt really teach us the stuff we were supposed learn for the exam. She sort of just threw it at us and
we were expected to get it and just do it. Then at the end of the year we had a five page research paper
that was graded very harshly for students who have never done a legitimate research paper before.
One of my favorite quotes from the syllabus is: Aun Aprendo I am still learning. Its pretty
self-explanatory, but I think its in the syllabus because this is the second half to an intro English class
and we simply still have a lot to learn in academics and in life. Also, no matter how old you get there will
always be new things to learn and in life well constantly still be learning.

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