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My Blog Log:

(By: Caitlin Wills)

Post: What Did He Just Say? - Jillian Hochuli
Full Text: ME TOO! I often always use the closed captioning for videos on the
internet! Especially anything TED TALK related. I also put subtitles on all my movies,
even when they are speaking English. Im not really sure why I do this, but I guess now I
know that I do it because I am a visual learner. Or, maybe I just like spoilers. I never
really thought of the fact that everyone might not be like that. The technology aspect of
learning and teaching must be very difficult. As someone who is not an education major,
It is difficult for me to understand that teaching such things must be hard, but still, I am
trying to understand. I think that students would be better off breaking into groups and
learning that way. Having a personalized learning experience is what everyone is looking
for. I think it is something that can be achievable, even if you are a visual learner or an
auditory learner.

Post: Im a 90s kidAlways! - Nicolette Mariano
Full Text: I am SO a child of the 90s! And you are right, as much as I like to think I
want to go back, my iphone is still glued to my hand. Id rather watch DOUG on my
iPhone or laptop then go back to the times when it was on TV after school. I think Bill
Joy is right, but I think that the technology that we create will eventually be the demise of
us. I think that it will one day be too much. I also think that as much as we want to go
back, we are only ever going to go forward. One day, maybe they will bring back all the
old Nickelodeon shows so we can reminisce! Ha-ha!

Post: You Dont Own It, It Owns You Emily Werrmann
Full Text: Girl! Im glad its not just me, because I thought I was going crazy. The
amount of things that we write in college is just absurd. But, I guess in some capacity,
useful. The linear process of reading is something I never really realized until recently. I
always thought that the ideas I would get from reading are completely the authors. Never
did I think that they were my own and I was unconsciously coming up with them as I
read. Mind. Blown. The fact that I am doing this is really unbelievable. It makes me want
to go back and think about everything Ive ever read and rethink my thoughts on it. As
weird as that sounds. For example, when reading The Kings of Cool by Don Winslow,
I completely came up with my own plot line? It was almost like I was writing it as I was
reading. But, in reality, that was my silly subconscious that was predicting the outcomes
for me. Silly Mckee. He knew all along and never told me. :(

Post: Stop Calling Bad Storytelling Art Brianne OLeary
Full Text: I completely agree with you, in the fact that being a film lover, this excerpt
from Mamets book, really had an effect on me. I never understand the hype of movies
that are coming out. Everyone in the past couple months has been Hunger Games and
Frozen. Then I found myself sitting in a triple feature of Inside Llewyn Davis, Her,
and Dallas Buyers Club. What? It made no sense. I wanted to talk about the films and
if it wasnt Katniss, I couldnt talk about it with my friends. Although I dont agree
with your hatred of Fight Club, because the film is really interesting, I agree with your
larger ideas of films not being what they are thought to be. The idea that you leave a book
and you have some sort of larger picture of the world is bullshit. I just got done reading
the series Savages and the Kings of Cool. And after I got done reading I said to
myself, what the fuck did I just read? It was absolutely crazy. I felt like I wanted to go
on a tirade afterwards as well! Im glad its not just me! Thanks!!!

Post: Innovation For 9 Billion, Thank YouTube Victoria Woodside
Full Text: The idea that YouTube is innovative, never really seemed real to me.
When the site first came out, I really thought that it was dumb. I thought it was just a way
for terrible singers to sing their hearts out and get criticized. Among others. But, now, I
realize that the site is innovative. It is game changing. When my dad was getting a baja
implant put into his skull for his hearing impairment, I was able to watch the surgery on
Youtube. It was completely mind blowing. And to boot, not to mention the fact that I can
share the video with whomever I want! It is just insane. Completely ground breaking.
Pioneering. The site has changed social media all together. Its made technology
something that it never was before. Thank you YouTube.

Post: Everyones Favorite Procrastination Site YouTube Rachel Carly
Full Text: I completely agree with this. I can get lost in YouTube. I find myself
looking at everything from cats to how to perform surgery to someone eating an entire
bag of jellybeans. It is completely outrageous, but I cant help it. When YouTube became
popular, I never really had an interest in it, but now that I am a procrastinator
extraordinaire, I can often be found lurking on YouTube, finding whatever I should
watch next. It can be helpful when, for instance, doing a video mash-up, but for everyday
use, it can be something that sucks you in, and never lets you out.

Post: Same Photo, Different Meanings. - Madison Pagliaccetti
Full Text: I can totally agree with the thinking that Berger was going to be boring.
Because. personally, he was. But, it was neat to get a different perspective of how to
view things. The idea he raised that people view things differently is not often thought
about. Also, he was able to put it into perspective that readers can interpret things that are
completely different for everyone. I often am that person who is viewing things
completely different. I feel as though I come up with strange ideas about our readings,
and everyone else has this pretty picture painted about life. The intended audiences and
the actual audience is something that Berger points out Is difficult for us to understand.
And, hes right. I think the idea that we all dont think alike is so true!!

Post: Do I Have Food In My Teeth? Amanda Vignali
Full Text: Personal appearance is something that is huge with women! I completely
agree! Do I look good? or will people perceive me to be good? Its all about the way you
see! I have a picture on my laptop background that says "Its not about how you look, its
about how you see." I am a firm believer that this is completely true and I think Berger
would agree as well. Not to get too deep into what society says, but we do come out with
a distorted image of what is good and what we should be seen as and this is unacceptable.
I mean, come on, is 2014. If I want to look a certain way, as an adult, I am going to.
Whether or not it is perceived as being "good" or not.

Post: The Mixing Of Meanings. Nicole Maupai
Full Text: Cute soundtrack!!! Haha! So, in Halls chapter, I was completely blown
away by this idea. I think that almost always, I say something and I have to preface it
with, Dont take this the wrong way, or this may sound rude when I say it out loud,
but I dont mean it to be. Awful, but, its so true! The intentions that people have when
they say things are often not how people who hear the statement and its harmful to our
way of life! It can often misconstrue everything. Words can often ruin friendships and
relationships. The ability to actually find a meaning to something seems like it could be
an entire college major. Jeez.

Post: Whats Your Perspective? Lauren Baranowski
Full Text: In Halls chapter two, I found myself being completely interested in
everything that he was saying. Which is a new thing for me! (Ha-ha) This immediately
made me think about a marketing class I took in high school. We played a LOGO-esq
game where we had to identify the company. It was so hard! I think a lot of people dont
see the Nike swoosh, they see Just Do It, and vise versa. Its a constant battle of who
can see what and who can remember what. Is It not the idea that you should be able to
identify the logo and not have to download an app to play a game to remember? This
blew my mind. You did a great job introducing these images and bringing about more
ideas that we dont always see the big picture.

Post: Whats Your Story? Rachael DeGraw
Full Text: I also did my blog post this week, and your blog, to be honest, is so much
better than mine. I wanted to really dive in, but it was hard to find examples, because
storytelling is absolutely everywhere! Like you mentioned, books, paintings, windows, tv
shows, etc. They all provide some sort of story for the reader of viewer to get out of it.
This goes back to Halls idea that people get different things out of different images. Its
so hard to realize that everything is everywhere. Bringing in the idea that semiotics is
something that we need to curve as a weakness and as a strength is so true. We need to
realize that it can help us or harm us. Its so difficult to grasp these concepts sometimes.
Good job!

Post: Dancing Floor- Revised. Rachel Ackerman
Full Text: This video was so interesting! I was actually intrigued as to what the
meaning of most of these photos. You did such a great job in your blog by adding all of
these images. I was able to really get the idea of different images meaning different
things. Do we really know the meaning that the author or the photographer wanted to get
at? A person, a thing, a sad, a happy, a help, a hurt, etc. You are so right. Everyone
responds differently and its all about how you feel. It even depends on your mood at that
exact moment that you are viewing such an image. Its so hard to grasp that concept that
if you are sad, you are going to project that feeling onto what you are viewing.

Post: #wtf Megan Meyer
Full Text: These videos were crazy! The Disney mash up video in particular! I think it
also was very helpful in having videos assigned this week; I was able to really get the
idea of what is expected of us for our own projects. The idea of having music, sounds,
and images tell a story, rather than words, is so creative and really allows the viewers (not
the readers) to interpret what they want. In watching the video you had with Snow White,
I was able to completely agree with you, that I am not really one to like old Disney
movies like this, but I was able to really appreciate the art that it took and the creativity
that it took to produce something like this.

Post: Remix My Remix Jackie Parodi
Full Text: I completely agree with this. The mash-up and remix world is completely
surrounding us. It is almost impossible to go through a day without seeing some sort of
intertexuality. The idea to fuse two things together or multiple things together seems to
be a fairly popular adventure. You cant turn on the radio without some rapping
screaming REEEEEEEEEMIX. Its awful, but its so true. I agree with Emily too, very
few people actually do anything about their work being remixed. This is why I am a big
fan of the creative commons licenses on our video mashups.

Post: Buy Now, You Must Own This, Your Life Wont Be Complete With Out..
Alicia Papa
Full Text: I am a complete sucker for As Seen On TV items. Its true. I must admit it. I
have the nifty tortilla bowl maker, the dog hair remover AND the genie bra! Its
embarrassing, I know, but I cant help it. They suck you in! And then when they started
introducing the As Seen On TV stores? I was hooked. Its awful. But, this HAS to be
great advertising. They must get so many people sucked into the world of online and
television shopping. Dont even get me started on QVC.

Post: Does The Oredr Of Lteters Maettr? Nicole Salerno
Full Text: The idea that Hall talks about is completely crazy. I am also in awe of how
this works. I always see these images and pictures and letters all jumbled; yet I know
exactly what is happening and what to read. This immediately shows how smart we really
are. I completely agree with what Nicole said too. I am a journalism major and
sometimes I re-read some of my stories and if I have jumbled words, I often do not catch
it, due to the fact that my mind is reading it accurately. Its so wild!

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