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May 6, 2014

To Whom It May Concern,

I highly recommend Natalie Cunningham for employment with your school district. I have had
the pleasure of working with her as both a parent and a teacher throughout the 2013-2014
school year at Ringgold Elementary in Benton, AR.
Natalie was one of the first people I met after moving to Benton last June. She has a friendly
demeanor which made both my son and I feel welcome. She has been extremely helpful with
all of my technology questions and problems. My son, as well as the students in my class, look
forward to attending her class each week. She always has interesting, thought provoking
lessons which usually involve the use of computer technology.
Natalie is always highly professional and has the students best interests at heart. She takes on
all duties and assignments with dedication and enthusiasm. Her positive, caring attitude is
Regardless of what Natalie is doing she is always upbeat and positive. She has super
organizational skills, which I recently observed first hand volunteering at the spring book fair.
She had notes and flyers sent home promptly, the fair set up and taken down quickly, as well as
planned, purchased supplies, and enlisted volunteers for a root beer float parent night.
I will certainly miss seeing Natalie in our hallway each day. She will be a blessing to your school
district in any job she is placed.


Jennifer K. White

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