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This article was about the fears preschool aged children and kindergarten aged children

incorporate when they go to doctors offices and hospitals. The main point throughout this article
was that almost all children within this age range were afraid when they entered the doctors
office or hospital but the nurses and other staff were not able to interpret why the children were
so afraid. This article also stated that the more frequently the children were admitted to the
hospital or doctors office, the more frightened they became of it. This article showed that the
fear of some children was actually caused from how the nursing staff treated them in ways such
as they were not nice, they might not have been gently, etc. Some children reported that they
were afraid of injections and the doctors sharp, scary looking tools. It continues to say how
some children were not afraid of the doctors or nurses, they were actually scared of typical
childhood fears such as: darkness, loud noises, unfamiliar people, separation, failure loss of
control, being criticized or rejected, and punishments. Another nonrealistic fear could be
imaginary fear do to the lack of knowledge.
This site was very helpful to me. Honestly, I never thought about childhood fears such as
the ones listed above could be the cause to their fears of doctors. I thought that was very
interesting. I like the fact that this article had a lot of information too.
The cite for this article is Salmela, M. (2009). Child-Reported Hospital Fears In 4 to 6-
Year-Old Children. Pediatric Nursing, 35(5), 269.


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