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The main idea of this article was focused on childhood obesity in younger children.

2010, 43 million children under the age of five were overweight; 35 million of these children
were living in developing countries. The study took place in southern Africa. It was found that
the highest obesity and growth rate was found in Africa. Within twenty years (1990-2010)
Africas obesity rate more than doubled. Obesity is associated with a higher risk for the
development of insulin resistance. Most major risk factors are: higher systolic and diastolic blood
pressure, dyslipidemia, abnormal vascular endothelial function, abnormal left ventricular
function, abnormalities in left ventricular mass, and atherosclerotic lesions. Within the last few
years there has been an increase in type two diabetes in children. Excess body fat in children and
adolescents increases the risk for the development of several medical conditions during
adulthood including: insulin resistance, adult-onset type two diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular
problems such as: hypertension, ischemic heart disease, and stroke. It goes on to say when
children look from a physical point of view, they lack self-esteem that carries on to when they
are adolescences and adults.
I found this site to be credible because it came from an actual study that has taken place
over the past few decades.
Citation: Rossouw, H. (2012). Overweight and obesity in children and adolescents: The South African
problem. South African Journal Of Science, 108(5/6), 1. doi:10.4102/sajs.v108i5/6.907

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