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An Internet Searching Activity

After opening this Word document, Save as. Name the file YO! NA"#
go to $$$.$ and complete the follo$ing information. When you are
finished, drop %o& this document on School'oop.
(he )ay You Were *orn
'oo+ up your %irth date ,including year- and the city you $ere %orn, such as )ecem%er
., /001, 2ansas 3ity, 2S. 3omplete the follo$ing information4
o #&actly ho$ old are you ,years, months, 5 days-6 /7 years 8 months /0 days
o What $as the high temperature on the day you $ere %orn6 9/ :
o )id any %ig events happen on the day you $ere %orn6 Yasser Arafat is elected
president of the ;NA and the death of <erry "ulligan
A Name
'oo+ up your first name. If it doesn=t recogni>e your first name, try a name of a family
mem%er or friend. 3omplete the follo$ing information4
o What name did you use6 )iana
o What is the e&pected total num%er of alive today6 98? 8.@ people
o What=s the most common age of people $ith this name6A9
o *ased on the graph, in appro&imately $hat year $as this name most popular6
A 3ity
'oo+ up any city in the $orld ,e&cept 2ansas 3ity- 5 complete the follo$ing information4
o 3ity name ,including country-4 #sBuipulas, 3hiBuimula, <uatemala
o ;opulation4 8? @71
o "edian home price4 doesn=t say
o Who is one nota%le person %orn in this city 5 $hat are they famous for6 ,If you
don=t +no$ $ho these people are, loo+ one of them up on Wolframalpha-4
3ompany or *usiness
(ype in a company or large %usiness name 5 complete the follo$ing information4
o 3ompany4 taco %ell
o Num%er of employees4 A89???
o (he company=s location or headBuarters4 'ouisville, 2entuc+y, united states
(ype in a food item you ate yesterday ,such as egg, %urrito, "c)onald=s :rench fries,
o Co$ many total calories $ere in that food item6 989
o Co$ much total fat $as in that food item6 /.g
Search for the name of a college or university you=re interested in attending. If you don=t
plan to go to college, Eust pic+ a college you=ve heard of, has good sports teams, or a
friend or family mem%er have attended.
o 3ollegeDniversity name4F333
o Num%er of students4 8?1?/
o What=s the undergraduate tuition ,tuition is cost of attending per year-6 8?1?/
(ype in the name of a $e%site you really enEoy such as $$$,
$$$, $$$, etc. 3omplete the follo$ing information4
o We% address of site4 $$$.t$
o Co$ many daily page vie$s does that $e%site have6 1@? million
o Since $hat date has that $e%site e&isted ,domain online-6Eanuary 8/, 8???
Summer 3ountdo$n
o Co$ many $ee+days are there %et$een no$ and the last day of school, "ay 89,
8?/96 9/ days
Your :avorite (hings
Search some of your favorite things in Wolframalpha G musicians, sports, ho%%ies,
actors, Eo%s, %oo+s, etc. What are three ne$ things you learned a%out your favorite
/. She=s plain cra>y
8. She=s %een out since /08. ,she=s old lol-
9. Cer alternate name is "inerva mouse ,"innie mouse-

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