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guffawed cackle doubloon gelt borborygmus

bluestocking misoneism kelpie
1. Legend has it that the Princess of Scotland was drowned by
the mythical creature called ________________.
2. Im so angry at this man. Instead of giving me real
______________, he gave me this stupid, old _________________ .
3. 8th of March is a celebration of Womens Day where we honour
the sacrifice of these ________________ day by day.
4. The two men _________________ at the joke, not knowing how
offensive the joke was.
5. Not all Americans were up to having a black President especially
those with symptoms of ________________ .
6. Her stomach grumbled and spoiled the silence during the exam.
She was suffering from _________________ .
7. The _______________ cry of the hen outside Ajibs house woke the
whole village up.

SCORE : / 8


Try to make this horror story interesting using the ALIEN WORDS
that you have learnt. Give a title to your story and make sure it has
an ending.

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