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The Top 10 Things Needed To Be

An Effective Literacy Coach

By: Shelby Remington
10- Be Organized
Have time management skills- you will
have a lot on your plate and you need to
be able to balance everything
Document your work in an organized way
9- Be an analyst
Analyze and interpret student work
and student data
Give feedback to teachers

It is essential to communicate not only
with teachers but also with
administrators, let them know and keep
the informed as to what is going on
7-Have A Goal In Mind
Make reasonable goals for each teacher- an
easily reached goal first to help build confidence
Make sure to tie in research and professional
development into goals
6- Be Supportive
Encourage teachers
Make them comfortable enough to
ask you questions/advice
5- Observe
Make time for classroom observations-
shows teachers you care and are
serious about wanting to help not
change them
4- Collaborate
Set up study groups to discus
problems, ideas, and or concerns
Be a facilitator
3-Teach Research Based
Be readily available to give teachers
resources to use
Give evidence that will support the
new techniques you will be
2-Build Trusting
Introduce yourself
Set up meetings with teachers where
they can ask you questions and just talk
Follow up, be positive, listen more talk
Finally after much
consideration, my
number 1 is..
Be a resource for teachers
Attend as much professional
development as possible
Be up to date on the newest

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