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Out of the Box Reflection

Name: Leesa Gray

Write about a time when you where in the box:
I surprisingly found myself in the box! at the beginning of the semester" #rom day one it was ob$ious
my class had% what I li&e to call% tal&ers%! indi$iduals that comment on e$erything the teacher says%
sometimes e$en tal&ing more than the teacher" I found this irritating and often felt li&e they% the tal&ers%!
stole from me and the rest of the class an opportunity a full learning experience" 'any times I would get
angry and often stop listening the moment the tal&ers! started tal&ing" I saw them% the tal&ers%! as the
(ell how you could ha$e changed your attitude to be out of the box at that time:
Now that I &now how to a$oid such feelings% I can see my own part in the problem" I could ha$e been
more patient with the tal&ers"! I could ha$e listened to them rather than letting myself get irritated from
them" I could ha$e had an open mind and remained teachable to all methods of learning% especially from
others" Lastly% I could ha$e changed my own attitude toward the tal&ers! and understood my role in the
(ell how you can be out of the box more in the future:
(hrough understanding the power and responsibility of my own attitude and how it molds my own
experiences% I can a$oid finding myself in the box" I can begin each day with an open mind and an
understanding that when a problem does arise I need to first loo& to myself and not toward others"

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