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Determine which stage of the strawberries would be the most easy to extract DNA from, under-ripe,
ripe, or over-ripe.
1. 3 average sized under-ripe strawberries
2. 3 average sized ripe strawberries
3. 3 average sized over-ripe strawberries
4. Cup of tap water
5. 2 small, clear plastic cups
6. 2 measuring cups-1 teaspoon, 1 cup
7. Paper towels (use for drying your other materials, number may very)
8. 2 teaspoons of dish detergent
9. 2 teaspoons of salt
10. 1 Coffee Filter
11. 1/3 cup of Rubbing Alcohol
12. Wooden Popsicle Stick
13. 1 Plastic Bag
Experimental Procedure:
STEP 1: Mix the DNA Extraction Liquid
1. Take 1 plastic cup and mix together 2 teaspoons of dish detergent
2. Then take1 teaspoon of salt in mix in slowly
3. Take cup of water and mix.
STEP 2: Get the DNA
1. Take 1 strawberry and insert it into your plastic bag
2. Using your hand, mash up the strawberry until there is no big chunks
3. Add 2 tablespoons of the DNA extraction liquid
4. Swirl gently using a wooden popsicle stick for at least one minutes and then let it sit
STEP 3: Separate the Fluids from the Solids
1. Take coffee filter and cover it over an unused plastic cup
2. Pour the mix of strawberry and let it filter for 30 seconds or until the fluid has stopped dripping
STEP 4: Extract the DNA
1. Next, pour down the side of the cup an equal amount of cold rubbing alcohol as there is strawberry
liquid. Do not mix or stir.
2. Within a few seconds, watch for the development of a white cloudy substance (DNA) in the top
layer above the strawberry layer
3. Tilt the cup and pick up the DNA using a wooden popstick and put it into a measuring cup.
STEP 5: Measure the Amount of Extractable DNA
1. Record how much white content shows up in the measuring cup using a measuring cup.
STEP 6: Repeat Process with Other Types of Strawberries
1. Rinse all plastic cups and other materials thoroughly with water and dry all materials using paper
towels to avoid contamination
2. Repeat this process with the other types of strawberries to determine which one is the most
extractable to get DNA.

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