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-Empathy is a trait that is absolutely necessary for a teacher to have. A great teacher can
listen to each student, understand that each student comes from a completely different
background, and can still nd a way to make a connection to them. Understanding the emotions
and behaviors of students is paramount in being able to teach.

-Teaching can be stressful, which can lead to melt downs at times. The ability to
maintain your composure is something that may have to be learned. As a teacher, we
experience exhaustion and stress, but when we step in front of our students we have to remain
in control and have a positive attitude. Most students will shut down in an aggressive and
intimidating atmosphere, and if we lose our cool because of stress we take the risk of losing our
ability to teach and the students wont learn.

-Teaching takes a lot of planning and organization, especially if we are to be effective.
And through that planning we have to take time and reect what went well and what didnt in our
lesson plans. Reection is where corrections are made, and this is how we improve on the
concepts that we teach. Great teachers know how to build upon their strengths and grow from
their weaknesses.

-When the stress and exhaustion set in its very easy to settle into a mindset of, I just
want to do by job and go home. But if this is the mind set of a teacher, learning most likely
wont happen and the class room will stall. Teachers need to be energetic and always lead the
way with optimism so that they create an atmosphere that is conducive to learning and growth.

-In the world of teaching, life is always changing. When you walk into class with a plan
and life throws you a curve ball, teachers must be able to assess the situation and adapt to what
is presented to them. This well reinforce the fact that you are the teacher and the students feel
comfortable knowing that you are always in control. This concept often comes with time and the
longer you teach, the better you will get at adapting to sudden changes.

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