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Instrumental Music Lesson Plan

Teacher- Gavin Morris

Date- 02/04/14
Subject- Lead Jazz Band
Grade Level- High School
Class Time- 11:27- 12:50
Building- Park Hill High School

Musical Objectives (Goals for group and/or individuals)

-Trouble Shoot Specic Areas Throughout the Pieces Festival, and Sister

Anticipated Outcomes and/or Problems

-Lazy Articulations

-Low Dynamic Contrast

-Low Energy Level

Materials used to accomplish objectives (books/music selections/scales/rhythms/
tone studies, etc.)

-Scores to Festival and Sister Sadie

Sequential presentation plan for materials used (rehearsal schedule/plan)

11:27 - Introduce myself and let the group know that Mr. Hascall has left school
because he is sick. Introduce the substitute and let them know that I will be
running todays rehearsal.

11:30- Begin work on Festival

12:15- Switch to Sister Sadie

12:42- Pack up


Assessment Commentary (Reection)

Were todays objectives realized? If not, will this material need to be presented

Yes todays objectives were realized. I brought attention to energy level,
correct articulation, and more efcient dynamic contrast.

Group Progress Assessment

- The jazz band did great while working with someone they werent
expecting and they listened very attentively. (Something I appreciated
since this was last minute for me too)

Individual Grades Recorded Today?

- N/A

Independent Practice/Homework Assignments for Next Class Meeting:

- N/A

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