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Rielly Edling Humpty Dumpty fell again.

Humpty was sitting on London Bridge

three days ago on October 12. Humpty was looking at the sunset over the ocean.
Puss-n-Boots was on the bridge watching him and has said, that he was not
surprised when he saw Humpty fall into the ocean because Humpty was leaning
too far forward. After Humpty fell he pushed himself through the water, and he
ended up at Panama City Beach. Jack was there and saw Humpty wash up on the
shore. Jack was surprised he was alive and breathing. Jack quickly called the little
old nurse who lived in the hospital. The nurse was there in 2 minutes to take
Humpty to the hospital to fix him. When she got to the hospital she rushed
Humpty to the egg room to examine Humptys bruised shell. The Nurse did some
tests on Humpty and research to figure out what had happened. The nurse said
Humpty was found about two hours after he fell according to her tests on
Humpty. Once Humpty left the hospital went home to rest. His mom found him in
his bed yesterday and found out that he died of a yolk attack.

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