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Terese Martinetti

Com 180
Technological Determinism
The idea behind that of technological determinism states that technological advances will
always drive a society and culture to change. Technologies can range from (dependent on where a
person is from) a roc! to a computer! to even a car. Technology can help a culture mae tremendous
progress! but it"s not always necessarily positive. #lthough technology can advance a society! it is not
the technology actually doing so! but rather the society itself. $t is society that decides to utili%e the
advantages of the technology and find a way to mae progress.
&ith most things! it is not the item itself that holds any value! but rather people within a society
that place a specific value on that item. $f $ were to argue on the topic of technological determinism! $
would have to argue against it. $ do not thin that technology is the sole influence onto a society. The
society sees the technology and notices what value it may hold! and if it will mae life easier or more
convenient for them. 'sually if that is the case! they pursue further use of it. (ut all of this is based
only upon the decision of society itself.
This topic tends to be addressed when the banning of firearms is brought to attention. The main
)uestion revolving around the use of firearms is! is it the actual firearms that are dangerous! or rather
the people that are using them. The popular opinion regarding that! is that it isn"t the firearms that are
dangerous! *ust the people that have access to them. This opinion would go against the idea of
technological determinism.

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