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Learning Response on Pedagogy of the Oppressed by Paulo Freire

Paulo, in my eyes, seemed to put a touch of poetry on his writing with all of the analogies and
metaphors. The beginning had me wondering for a while, lost in fact. But the second chapter made
everything come together in a way that had me going Oh, so thats what he meant?! Basically, hes
saying that the educational system is flawed and he explains this by comparing teachers to oppressors
and students to those who are being oppressed. Some of the areas of his writing I agreed with but in
other areas not so much.
Knowledge emerges only through invention and re-invention. This line really spoke to me. I
interpret this as a way of saying its not really about WHAT a person is filled with but how he takes
what he learns and makes something out of it. Also its difficult to do this if teachers dont encourage it
and all they go by is the banking system. His words about students and teachers being on the same
level in the sense that they would both learn from each other were good too but his words on
humanization Im not too sure about.
Maybe its my imagination but when Paulo talks about students being robbed of their humanity
it seems a little extreme. A perfect example is when he states the teacher is the Subject of the learning
process, while the pupils are mere objects. To me that idea is completely wrong. Its giving an image
that students dont have minds of their own which they do. But other than that I think he has the right
thing going here.
Paulo Freire lists all these problems, so what would be the solution? There needs to be a
foundation set which would be a better teacher-student relationship. More interaction, more of the
teacher bringing out the students skills and creativity and more mutual learning.

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