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Learning Response on the NPR: House Rules

The world seems to be missing a moral compass. Be it racial segregation or taking advantage of
peoples socioeconomic status it all falls under doing people wrong. In addition to this the government
has not only overlooked but supported some of the horrible things that have happened in the world.

Race has always been a major determining factor in gaining opportunities, namely housing. I
find it sad that not many people are concerned with the racial preference in getting housing. I think its
kind of like Freire suggested, that it has gone on for so long that the ones who are being oppressed see
the oppressor as the model of humanity i.e. they want to be like them
. However, there are a few trying
to stand up to this disease of housing racism like the test done by Fair Housing Justice Center in 2010
and 2011 in New York City
. I feel we need more people and organizations like this.

Greed in terms of money is a major issue as well. Our economy is in a recession as a result of
this greed and its all at the expense of the lower class population. Individuals are focused on their own
money and their own well-being so much so that they resort to things like giving people loans when they
cant even pay them back.

It all comes down to a reality check. The prejudice, the greed and the lack of morality all comes
down to re-evaluating our priorities.

Paulo Freire, Pedagogy of the oppressed, 45
House Rules, Ira Glass, (2013 Chicago Public Media) NPR

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