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How to make a reverse hair-rig for carp fishing

Carp rigs
19 August 2009 10:04
Rig presentation is everything to big-carp speciaist Richar! "arnham# He$s aways ooking for a better way to present his bait% especiay
when tacking waters such as the renown Horton &hurch ake - where takes are very few an! far between#

'any years ago% !uring a fu season tacking the venue where banks are common% he set to work creating a new rig that might we
transform those tentative pick-ups that carp can give into fu-bown runs#

(he i!ea was to create a rig where the carp foun! it absoutey impossibe to suck up the bait an! e)ect it without the hook point
connecting with the fish - an! so his reverse! hair-rig was forme!#

(his rig transforme! a terribe season on the venue# After a itte tinkering with the set-up% an! a!!ing tungsten putty to pin the brai!e!
hookength !own% an! fying backea!s to sink the mainine to the bottom% Richar! began to get runs#

His newy !eveope! reverse! hair-rig pro!uce! a new persona best carp for Richar! - *hou!ers at 42b +o,# (his proves without a
sha!ow of a !oubt that this rig can effectivey be use! to effectivey fish for very shy an! wiy carp#

&ut off a ength of brai!e! ine an! tie a sma overhan! oop in the
en!# (hrea! the brai! through the back of the hook-s eye#
"o! the brai!e! hookength over ike this# Remember to make the
!istance between the oop an! the hook-s eye ong enough to fit
your bait#
.hip the tag en! of brai! aroun! the fo!e!-over brai! an! the
hook shank enough times to cover the !oube!-over brai!#
'ake another whip upwar!s% over the other whippings an! pass the
tag en! through the back of the eye once more# (he knot is now

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