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Chester Green

Dr. Griffin
English 12
23 September, 2013

President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave one the most well-known inaugural addresses of all
time. On March 4
, 1933 he addressed a nation stricken with the Great Depression and attempted
to quarrel its fears. His most renowned quote came from this exact speech: the only thing we
have to fear is fear itself. This quote is a prime example of FDR being an effective and
influential speaker. That one quote has been repeated numerous times since its inception and has
become a staple in American history. Not only was it effective in its day and age, it is still used
today to help the people with the problems of the modern day. He wanted not only to instill the
thought of not being afraid of the unexpected to his citizens but to show the people that they are
still okay. The people of the United States have not failed. This quote shows how he restored
faith to the American people by telling them their faults are not faults. The people of the United
States are not only strong but can work as a collective for the common good. If I read the
temper of our people correctly, we now realize as we have never realized before our
interdependence on each other; that we cannot merely take but we must give as well; that if we
are to go forward, we must move as a trained and loyal army willing to sacrifice for the good of a
common discipline, because without such discipline no progress is made, no leadership becomes
effective. He proved to be that leader that was so needed by the people. President Roosevelt
gave the people something they hadnt had in 4 long hard years, hope. Through his words alone,
he showed the people how they were in hard times but not end times. That there is a light at the
end of that perpetually dark tunnel. He allowed the people to have the courage to pick up their
lives and continue on. This speech is a shining example of how effective he was as a speaker.

Chester Green
Dr. Griffin
English 12
23 September, 2013

President Franklin D. Roosevelt gave one the most well-known inaugural addresses of all
time. On March 4
, 1933 addressed a nation stricken with the Great Depression and attempted to
quarrel their fears. His most renowned quote came from this exact speech: the only thing we
have to fear is fear itself.

Chester Green
Dr. Griffin
English 12
23 September, 2013

Chester Green
Dr. Griffin
English 12
23 September, 2013

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