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Merced High School

P.O. Box 2167 Merced, California 95344 2!9" 3#5$6466

Ma% 5, 2!14
&o 'ho( )* Ma% Concern+
) con,ider i* a -ri.ilege *o /ri*e a le**er of reco((enda*ion for Marina 0on1ale,. )
ha.e 2no/n Marina for fo3r %ear, and ,he exhi4i*, (an% of *he fine 53ali*ie, *ha*
an indi.id3al can -o,,e,,. Her leader,hi-, de,ire and a4ili*% *o /or2 /i*h o*her,
/o3ld (a2e her a -o,i*i.e force a* an% /or2,i*e. 6, Marina7, -h%,ic, *eacher la,*
%ear ) ha.e co(e *o 2no/ her .er% /ell. She i, c3rren*l% (% cla,, a,,i,*an* a
-o,i*ion ) 2ee- for (% (o,* *r3,*/or*h% ,*3den*,. Marina i, a hard/or2ing,
in*elligen* %o3ng lad% /ho i, re,-ec*ed and li2ed 4% 4o*h her *eacher, and -eer,.
Marina ha, a /ar( o3*going -er,onali*% and ) /o3ld ra*e her highl% on *he
53alifica*ion, of de-enda4ili*%, (a*3ri*%, flexi4ili*%, and (oral charac*er.
6cade(icall% Marina ha, (ain*ained a 2.5 grade -oin* a.erage in her fo3r %ear, in
o3r (o,* challenging cla,,e, a* Merced High School. She ha, 4een a (e(4er of
*he Color g3ard for *hree %ear,. Her goal i, *o 4eco(e a *eacher.
)* ha, 4een a -ri.ilege *o 4e a,,ocia*ed /i*h ,3ch an o3*,*anding ,*3den*. ) 2no/
Marina 0on1ale, /o3ld 4e gra*ef3l and honored *o 4e a -ar* of %o3r -rogra(.
&han2 %o3 for %o3r con,idera*ion.
Bill 8rei*a,
Ph%,ic, &eacher
9Ho(e of Scholar, and Cha(-ion,7
Merced High School
P.O. Box 2167 Merced, California 95344 2!9" 3#5$6466
9Ho(e of Scholar, and Cha(-ion,7

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