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Robert Beverly, The History and Present State of Virginia

Robert Beverly was a Virginia planter who wrote a favorable account of the slave
society that had developed in Virginia by the beginning of the 18
This document made a distinction between a Slave and Servant. Slaves are for life
and Servants for a time. Slaves are Negroes, and their posterity, following the
condition of the mother.

The document states that the Servants serve for only a few years according to the
time of their Indenture (agreement). There were several laws that were made by
their country. Servants had the right to complain without a cost, Servants
complaints were received at anytime in court, shall the Master disobey any court
order made upon a Servant complaint the court was empowered to remove the
Servant and taken to another Master. The male Servants and slaves of both sexes are
put together to work. The used them for planting tobacco, and manuring the ground.
One of the distinctions is in their clothes and food but the work for both. Another big
distinction is between the Female-Servants, and Slaves; for a white woman is rarely
or never put to work the ground. I think the document makes such a significant
distinction because males are stronger and can take more than women. Females
were used more as Servants in the homes, cooks, nannies, and for any other use in
the household.
I dont think many of these laws were effective because I really dont think they
were followed by the Masters. Marissa Arredondo

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