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Clays African Journey

Clay Eckert
How can you go wrong with a nice tropical vacation? This summer I will be flying to
Diani Beach in Mombasa which is Kenya, South Africa. The place I will be going is a
nice sunny beach so I can lay down in the warm sand with a smoothie, and then go
swimming in the ocean! I will be staying at a resort about 60 feet from a beach,
but the beach I am going to is about 8 miles away. My theme Sunny Beaches
definitely relates to the places I will be visiting because, I will be at sunny beaches
a majority of my stay. I will be staying a total of 6 days, which gives me time to
explore a little, relax, and go to other attractions! By the beach there a few things
to do including a monkey rescue where you can and learn all about Monkeys and
Baboons, and there is also a golf course!
Water disasters
Sinking bare holes
Rising sea levels
Yellow Fever
Haller Park
Marine National
park and Reserve
Fort Jesus
Shimba Hills
Mombasa Africa
Diani Beach
Arabuko Sokoke
National Park
Elephant Sanctuary
Im going to get a few key chains and maybe some shirts or cups
for my family.
Contributions to Science
Famous scientist Louis Leakey.
Louis established human evolutionary development in Africa.
He kind of got judged, because some people didnt believe in the who
evolutionary thing.
Louis was born on August 7, 1903 and died October 1, 1972 (Age 69).
He now has a National museum 10 minutes away from Nairobi's city Centre.

Type of Government
Mombasa, Kenya's population is about 1.2 Million.
Mombasa is on Africa, in the eastern part.
Swahili and English are the languages spoken.
Republic is the type of government.
The type of currency used is a unit called Shillings .
The person who has all the power of all the branches is the president.
The president is Uhuru Kenyatta, who has been president since April 9, 2013.
The president has a 5yr term.
Presidents in Kenya can be Re-elected.
Elections were held March 4, 2013

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