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The Road to Communism

A huge multi-ethnic empire

Russian nobility had no political power
Their lands belonged to the crown
They were forced to serve the Tsar in administrative and military
Very little industrialization
Over 90% of the people were peasants

By late 1916-1917 the Russian military was in shambles
Mass mutinies with the shooting of officers
Lack of basic resources: both for civilians and troops
Lack of forceful leaderhip: Nicholas II not capable of controlling
the situation

Nicholas II was forced to abdicate
A republican government was proclaimed under Alexander

Kerensky had a plan for democratic reforms
But he insisted that Russia continue in the war until Germany was
This made Kerenskys government very unpopular
This led to great internal opposition
Blue collar workers turned against him
Lenin returned from exile
Once in St. Petersburg Lenin takes control of an already existing
workers soviet (council)
Makes promises of bread, land, and peace
Several political groups and militias join Lenin in his fight
A civil war ensued lasting for 2-3 years with the Bolsheviks finally
being victorious
Because of the World War I and its aftermath, the West was
unable to intervene

Lenin gradually institutes a communist government
Lenins succession
Leon Trotsky vs. Joseph Stalin
Stalin has Trotsky exiled then murdered
Stalin becomes the head of the communist party and the
government in the Soviet Union

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