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Contrib Mineral Petrol (1984) 87:170-178

Contributions to
Mineralogy and
9 Springer-Verlag 1984
Composition and depth of origin of primary mid-ocean ridge basalts
D. C. Pres nal l and J . D. Hoove r *
Department of Geosciences, The University of Texas at Dallas, P.O. Box 830688, Richardson, Texas 75083-0688, USA
Abstract. Some workers have held t hat mid-ocean ridge
basalts are fractionated from high pressure (15-30 kbar)
picritic pri mary magmas whereas others have favored pri-
mary magmas generated at about 10 kbar with composi-
tions close to those of mid-ocean ridge basalts. Of critical
significance are presumed differences in composition be-
tween experimentally determined pri mary magmas and the
least fract i onat ed mid-ocean ridge basalts. To evaluate the
significance of these differences, all based on electron mi-
croprobe analyses, we consider three sources of uncertainty:
( l ) analytical uncertainties for a single mi croprobe labora-
tory, (2) systematic i nt eri aborat ory analytical differences,
and (3) real variations in the possible compositions of pri-
mary magmas t hat can be produced from a peridotite
source at a given pressure. The first source of error is sur-
prisingly large and can account for a substantial part of
the t ot al variation of normat i ve quartz (hypersthene calcu-
lated as equivalent olivine and quartz) in FAMOUS basalts.
The second is not as serious but remains undetermined for
many laboratories. The third is potentially the largest but
is not yet fully documented. The least fractionated FA-
MOUS basalts have high mg numbers (70-73) compatible
with derivation from the mantle by direct partial melting
with little or no subsequent fractional crystallization. Be-
cause of the wide range of normat i ve quart z content in
these basalts, it appears necessary to consider them as repre-
sentatives of multiple parental magmas. When all the
sources of uncertainty are taken into account, we conclude
that the experimental dat a by various investigators are all
fairly consistent and favor derivation of the least fraction-
ated mid-ocean ridge basalts by at most only a small
amount of fractional crystallization from pri mary magmas
having a wide range of normative quart z cont ent and gener-
ated over a range of pressures from about 7-11 kbar.
Introducti on
Basaltic magma has long occupied a central position in
the devel opment of petrogenetic theory, and classically was
recognized as a pri mary magma derived by direct partial
* Present address: Department of Geological Sciences, The Uni-
versity of Texas at E1 Paso, E1 Paso, Texas 79968
Contribution No. 420, Department of Geosciences, The University
of Texas at Dallas
Of f pri nt requests t o: D.C. Presnall
melting from the mantle. O' Har a (1965, 1968a, 1968b)
challenged this well-established idea and argued t hat basalts
as we see them on the earth' s surface are not pri mary but
are themselves the result of fractional crystallization f r om
more primitive parents. For many basalts, he considered
the parent to be a picritic magma generated at high pres-
sures around 30 kbar.
Since 1965, the cont roversy over the pri mary or non-
pri mary nat ure of various basalts has raged, and is currently
represented in its most virulent form by disagreements over
the origin of mid-ocean ridge basalts. Two opposing view-
points have been vigorously advocated. O' Har a (1968),
Green et al. (1979), Jacques and Green (1980), Stolper
(1980), and El t hon and Scarfe (1980, 1984) have argued
t hat the pri mary magmas are picritic, are produced at pres-
sures ranging from 15 to 30 kbar (depending on the author),
and yield the least fractionated of the mid-ocean ridge ba-
salt (MORB) compositions by extensive crystallization of
olivine. In contrast, Green and Ri ngwood (1967), Kushi ro
(1973), Presnall et al . (1979), Fujii and Bougautt (I983),
and Takahashi and Kushiro (1983) have argued t hat the
compositions of the pri mary magmas are close to those
of the least fractionated mid-ocean ridge basalts erupted
at the surface and that these pri mary magmas are generated
at pressures of about 8- I 0 kbar. All investigators agree t hat
most mid-ocean ridge basalts are fractionated to varying
extents, but those advocating a moderat e pressure origin
for the pri mary magmas believe t hat most or all of the
fract i onat i on history is displayed by the compositional vari-
ations of lavas erupt ed at the surface and t hat the extensive
olivine fractionation required by those favoring picritic pri-
mary magmas has not taken place. Presnall et al. (1979)
have not ed t hat picritic MORB gl as s compositions appar-
ently do not exist. However, Stolper and Wal ker (1980)
have argued t hat pri mary and parent al picritic liquids exist
at dept h but are not erupted at the surface because of their
high density.
A curious aspect of the argument is the fact that at-
t hough most of the experimental dat a obtained by propo-
nents of bot h views is in moderat el y good agreement, the
interpretations of these dat a differ markedly. The purpose
of this paper is to examine the reasons for these sharp differ-
ences in interpretation of essentially similar data.
Anal yt i cal uncertai nti es
Before proceeding to comparisons among the compositions
of MORB glasses and experimentally produced glasses, the
Table 1. Analytical differences for five FAMOUS basalt glasses
analyzed at Massachusetts Institute of Technolgy (MIT) and
Smithsonian Institution (SM)
2aMlT a 20"SN b MIT minus SM (wt.%) ~
5255-i 5255-2 5255-3 5194-1 5194-2
Si O 2 0.4 0. 70 -0. 05 -0. 06 -0. 52 0.13 0.13
TiO2 0.06 0. 12 -0. 03 -0. 04 --0.08 -0. 03 -0. 05
A120 a 0.4 0.30 0.47 0.17 0.11 --0.09 --0.21
FeO 0.2 0. 34 -0. 32 --0.41 -0. 52 --0.19 --0.33
MgO 0.32 0.22 0.65 0.53 0.15 0.74 0.69
CaO 0.2 0. 30 -0. 28 -0. 41 -0. 26 -0. 93 -0. 87
Na20 0.2 0.08 0.42 0.33 0.01 0.06 0.09
K2 0 0.02 0. 04 -0. 03 -0. 04 -0.01 -0. 03 -0. 04
Frey et al. (1974), 2~r=two standard deviations
b Melson et al. (1976)
c SM values from W.B. Bryan (pets. comm. 1981), MIT values
from Bryan and Moore (1977)
analytical uncertainties must be evaluated. All the compari -
sons of interest involve glass composi t i ons anal yzed by elec-
t ron mi cr opr obe and the composi t i ons are commonl y plot-
ted on nor mat i ve t ri angul ar di agrams. Three types of dia-
grams have been used. Presnall et al. (1979) and O' Donnel l
and Presnall (1980) used the CI PW nor m procedure and
calculated the mi neral pr opor t i ons in mol e percent. The
normal i zed mi neral pr opor t i ons were then pl ot t ed on the
front face (diopside-olivine-quartz) and base (plagioclase-
olivine-quartz) of the tholeiitic port i on of the basal t t et rahe-
dron of Yoder and Tilley (1962). Similar procedures have
been used by many others (for example, see Coombs 1963;
Chayes 1972; Clague and Bunch 1976; Bryan 1979). Wal ker
et al. (1979) and Stolper (1980) used a different al gori t hm
for calculating mi neral pr opor t i ons for MORB composi -
tions, but their procedure yields di agrams t hat differ only
slightly f r om the CI PW nor mat i ve di agrams. El t hon and
Scarfe (1984) used a third al gori t hm (Elthon 1983), which
gives di agrams somewhat different f r om those obt ai ned by
the ot her two procedures. We will compar e analytical un-
certainties on the di agrams of Presnall et al. (1979) and
El t hon and Scarfe (1984), with the former being t aken as
similar to analytical uncertainties on the di agrams of
Wal ker et al. (1979) and Stolper (1980). The i mpor t ance
of analytical uncertainties on the CI PW nor mat i ve dia-
grams has been briefly ment i oned elsewhere (Presnall et al.
1979; O' Donnel l and Presnall 1980).
Two of the best and most product i ve mi cr opr obe l abo-
ratories t hat have publ i shed analyses of MORB glasses are
those at the Massachuset t s Inst i t ut e of Technol ogy and the
Smi t hsoni an Institution. Analytical uncertainties for each
of these l aborat ori es, as report ed respectively by Fr ey et al.
(1974) and Mel son et al. (1976), are listed in the first two
columns of Tabl e 1. These uncertainties are not for individ-
ual spot analyses but rat her for publ i shed analyses, each
representing an average of several different spots f r om the
same sample. The uncertainties for the two l aborat ori es are
similar and are t aken as representative of high-quality dat a
within a given l aborat ory. The remai ni ng columns of Ta-
ble 1 show differences in the analyses of five glass samples
analyzed at bot h the Smi t hsoni an and MI T l aborat ori es.
Consi der first the report ed uncertainties within a single
l aborat ory. To det ermi ne how these uncertainties appear
on the two projected nor mat i ve di agrams, p l - o l - q ( a n - o l - q
for the El t hon algorithm) and di-ol-q, we have generat ed
two sets of data, each containing 2000 synthetic basal t com-
positions. The composi t i ons for each set are normal l y dis-
t ri but ed about a mean correspondi ng to the average Mr.
Pluto magma composi t i on of Bryan and Moor e (1977), a
composi t i on considered by these aut hors to be represent a-
tive of primitive FAMOUS basalt. A r andom number gen-
erat or was used to select values for the oxide percentages,
the st andard deviations for one dat a set correspondi ng to
those report ed by the MI T l abor at or y and for the ot her
set to those report ed by the Smi t hsoni an l aborat ory. For
each composition, Fe z +/(Fe z+ + Fe 3 +) was set at 0.86 (Pre-
snall et al. 1979). Mel son et al. (1976) stated t hat analyses
whose sums deviated f r om 100% by mor e t han 1.5% were
discarded, but in our synthetic dat a sets we have retained
all the analyses regardless of their sum. Gi ven the MI T
and Smi t hsoni an uncertainties (Table 1), it can be deter-
mi ned f r om statistical tables t hat the criterion of Mel son
et al. would be expected to cause the rejection of less t han
one analysis f r om the MI T dat a set and about two analyses
f r om the Smi t hsoni an dat a set. Thus, using this rejection
criterion would not noticeably alter our results.
Fi gure 1 shows plots of the two dat a sets on the CI PW
nor mat i ve di agrams oI-di-q and ol-pI-q. It can be seen t hat
the analytical uncertainties are greatest al ong a nar r ow re-
gion extending t oward the quart z apex, a feature caused
by the manner in which the CI PW nor m is calculated. Un-
certainties in SiO 2 do not cont ri but e to vari at i ons in nor ma-
tive olivine, hypersthene, diopside, or plagioclase because
S i O 2 is merely added to these minerals in quantities neces-
sary to bal ance previously assigned amount s of the ot her
oxides. On the ot her hand, uncertainties in S i O2 , Na z O ,
A1203, CaO, MgO, and FeO all cont ri but e to uncertainties
in nor mat i ve quart z because quart z is calculated last by
difference. The f or m of the uncert ai nt y distribution is ap-
proxi mat el y the same for bot h l aborat ori es but is slightly
great er in the l ong di mensi on for the MI T uncertainties.
In an effort to present the most favorabl e case, onl y the
Smithsonian uncertainties will be shown on subsequent dia-
Fi gure 2 shows the Smi t hsoni an set of composi t i ons
pl ot t ed accordi ng to the procedure of El t hon (1983). For
his algorithm, the plagioclase apex of Fig. 1, b and d be-
comes anorthite, and albite plots on the anort hi t e-quart z
edge at 80% quartz, 20% anorthite. As poi nt ed out by
Elthon, his al gori t hm suppresses vari at i on in nor mat i ve
quartz. Not e also t hat the distributions are shifted t oward
quart z relative to those in Fig. 1.
Now consider the pr obl em of systematic differences be-
tween laboratories. Existing dat a are adequat e for two pre-
liminary compari sons, one between the MI T and Stony
Brook l aborat ori es (Fig. 3, a) and one between the MI T
and Smi t hsoni an l aborat ori es (columns 3-7 of Tabl e 1 and
Fig. 3, b). Figure 3, a shows no clear systematic differences
between the MI T and St ony Brook dat a, and the differences
are approxi mat el y of the same magni t ude as those within
a single l aborat ory. For the MI T and Smi t hsoni an l abora-
tories, differences are consistently of the same sign for all
oxides except S i O 2 and AI 20 3 (Table 1). Also, one of the
A120 3 pairs, two of the FeO pairs, four of the MgO pairs,
three of the CaO pairs, and two of the Na 2 0 pairs differ
by mor e t han the supposed 2~r of either l aborat ory. Thus,
it appears t hat a bias between the MI T and Smi t hsoni an
l aborat ori es exists. This bias yields analyses f r om the MI T
50 a
o\o 5oA ,,40 ~,
tO 20 30 4 0 10 20 30
%q %q
v v v v v \ 4 0
p l ~ A T O
~o //~ \ ~I \
/ o, U \ o % / . , 2 . o
l . . . . . .
tO 20 30 40 10 20 30
%q %q
Fig. 1. Projections of synthetic analyses normally distributed about the Mt. Pluto (FAMOUS) average magma (Bryan and Moore
1977) based on microprobe analytical uncertainties from (diagrams a and b) the Smithsonian Institution (Melson et al. 1976) and
(diagrams c and d) the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Frey et al. 1974). Each diagram contains 2,000 points. Mineral proportions
in mole percent are calculated according to the CIPW norm conventions, pl=Na2AlzSi6016 + CaAlzSi20 8; ol= Mg2SiO ~+ FezSiO4;
hy = MgSiO 3 + FeSiO 3; di= CaMgSi206 + CaFeSiaO 6 ; q = SiO2. For compositions on this and all subsequent diagrams, Fe 2 +/(Fe 2 + +
Fe 3+) is assigned the value 0.86 (Presnall et al. 1979). Diagrams are projections onto the ol-di-q face Or onto the ol-pl-q face of the
tholeiitic basalt tetrahedron ol-pl-di-q
l abor at or y t hat are consi st ent l y l ower ei t her i n nor mat i ve
quar t z or i n di opsi de and anor t hi t e t han t hose f r om t he
Smi t hsoni an l abor at or y (Fig. 3, b). Al t hough t he magni t ude
of t he bi as appear s very l arge f or some o f t he poi nt s on
t he di agr am, it is in fact onl y mar gi nal l y great er t han t he
uncer t ai nt y wi t hi n a single l abor at or y ( compar e Fi g. 4).
Whe n l ooki ng f or composi t i onal di st i nct i ons a mong dif-
ferent suites of nat ur al glass anal yses (for exampl e, see
Br yan and Di ck 1982), t here is little l i kel i hood of deal i ng
i nappr opr i at el y wi t h t he anal yt i cal uncer t ai nt i es as l ong as
t he sampl e popul at i ons are fairly large. However , when
dr awi ng pet r ogenet i c concl usi ons f r om experi ment al dat a,
it is c o mmo n t o rel y on anal yses of onl y a very few experi-
ment al charges. Because it is not i mmedi at el y obvi ous how
uncert ai nt i es in an anal ysi s t ransl at e t o uncert ai nt i es on
var i ous nor mat i ve mi ner al plots, t here has been a t endency
t o suppose a hi gher preci si on on these di agr ams t han act u-
ally exists.
Ev a l ua t i o n o f pi cri ti c parent al ma g ma s
I n t he light o f t he pr evi ous di scussi on of anal yt i cal uncer-
tainties, we now eval uat e some concl usi ons based on mi cr o-
pr obe anal yses of experi ment al and nat ur al glass composi -
a b
\ o, i , / \
/ 3o/* \30
5 tO
4 0 5 0 6 0 7 0 3 0 4 0 5 0 6 0
Fig. 2. Same data as in Fig. 1, a and b (Smithsonian uncertainties) with mineral proportions in mole percent calculated according
to the algorithm of Elthon (1983). Note that for this algorithm the pl apex of Fig. 1 is replaced by an (anorthite)
pl or di
filled symbols - Stony B r o o k /
open symbols-M l 72 / a
circles - pl a p e x /
squares- di a p e x /
/ %, , .
el hy q
p / o r di
filled s y mb o l s - Smi t h s o n l a /
Fig. 3. CIPW norm projections (mole percent) of FAMOUS basalt glass samples analyzed at the State University of New York at
Stony Brook (Langmuir et al. 1977), Massachusetts Institute of Technology (Bryan and Moore 1977), and the Smithsonian Institution
(W.B. Bryan, pers. comm. 1981). Lines between points connect identical samples. Sample numbers (see Bryan and Moore 1977), are
5194-1, 5255-2, 5266-1, 5271-1, 5284-1 (diagram a) and 5194-1, 5194-2, 5255-1, 5255-2, 5255-3 (diagram b). In diagram b, MnO and
Cr20 3 values for the MIT analyses are deleted because these oxides were not reported in the Smithsonian analyses
tions. Basalt glass anal yses f r om t he F AMOUS ar ea o f
t he Mi d- At l ant i c Ri dge ( Br yan and Mo o r e 1977; Br yan
1979) will be t aken as t ypi cal of MORB composi t i ons in
general. The F AMOUS dat a, all det er mi ned at a single
l a bor a t or y ( MI T) , are pl ot t ed i n Fi g. 4. Super i mposed on
t he F AMOUS dat a poi nt s are 2a ellipsoids based on con-
t our i ng of t he Smi t hsoni an uncert ai nt i es (Fig. 1).
I t is general l y agr eed t hat t he spr ead o f basal t composi -
t i ons is pr edomi nant l y t he resul t o f f r act i onat i on o f olivine,
pl agi ocl ase, and di opsi de, t he least f r act i onat ed basal t s ly-
i ng general l y t o t he left and t he mos t f r act i onat ed basal t s
l yi ng general l y t o t he r i ght on all t he di agr ams (Cl ague
and Bunch 1976; Presnal l and O' Donne l l 1976; Br yan and
Moor e 1977; Wal ker et al. 1979; O' Donne l l and Presnal l
1980; El t hon and Scarfe 1984). Al t hough we agree wi t h
this i nt er pr et at i on, it is appar ent t hat a subst ant i al par t
o f t he t ot al var i at i on o f nor mat i ve quar t z 1 in t he F AMOUS
glass composi t i ons ma y be at t r i but ed si mpl y t o anal yt i cal
uncert ai nt y. Because t he di r ect i on o f ma xi mum anal yt i cal
uncer t ai nt y on t he nor mat i ve di agr ams essentially coi nci des
wi t h t he compos i t i onal t r end t hought t o be pr oduced by
f r act i onal cryst al l i zat i on, t he abi l i t y t o resol ve compos i t i on-
al changes al ong t he f r act i onat i on t r end is shar pl y reduced.
Fi gur e 5 shows mg numbe r versus per cent quar t z on
1 In the remainder of this paper, the "quartz-rich" and "quartz-
poor " ends of the FAMOUS array will refer to the entire distri-
bution of points in Fig. 3, a and b as if normative hypersthene
had been recast as equivalent olivine and quartz. This "elimina-
t i on" of hypersthene does not cause any change in the positions
of the plotted points
/ o / / v w v o o w
0 0 ~ a
hy q
Fig. 4. CIPW norm projections (mole percent) of FAMOUS basalt analyses (Bryan and Moore 1977; Bryan 1979) and 2or (95%)
confidence ellipsoids based on contouring of the data shown in Fig. 1, a and b
6 O
5 5
o o
O 0 0 O 0 0
I 9
0 0
0 0 ~ 0 9 9
0 O 0 9
0 O 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 O
0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 4P
0 0
o o # o onO~ ; , . o
0 0
o- el/vine normati ve
9 - quart z normati ve
| Ni t Pl ut o magma
9 O0 9 0 0
0 9 9
, ' o ; 5 3 ' o
per cent O in the mol ar normati ve tri angl e OI - PI - Q
Fig. 5. Percent quartz in the molar
CIPW normative triangle ol-pl-q
versus (100 Mg)/(Mg + Fe 2 +) (mg
number) for FAMOUS basalts
plotted in Fig. 4, b. The double circle
with bracket is the average Mt. Pluto
magma (Bryan and Moore 1977) with
2a confidence limits taken from
Fig. 4. For the mg numbers, 2~-~1
(Chayes 1971, p 27-28)
the CI PW normat i ve triangle ol-pl-q. The mg numbers, al-
t hough widely scattered, generally decrease with increasing
normat i ve quartz, which verifies t hat despite the large un-
certainties, a maj or par t of the MORB array is due to frac-
tional crystallization.
Fi gure 6 shows experimentally det ermi ned liquid com-
positions in equilibrium with plagioclase-, spinel-, or gar-
net-lherzolite mi neral assemblages at various pressures.
These composi t i ons represent pot ent i al pr i mar y magmas.
The dat a by Presnall et al. (1979) are liquid composi t i ons
in equilibrium with model plagioclase lherzolite ( < 9 kbar)
and spinel lherzolite ( > 9 kbar) in the system CaO- MgO-
A1203-SiO 2 (CMAS). Presnall et al. argued t hat pr i mar y
basalts at spreadi ng ridges are generated at about 9 kbar
and t hat the addition of other component s to the CMAS
system woul d shift the 9 kbar liquid composi t i on in equilib-
ri um with lherzolite away f r om silica to a posi t i on close
to the least fractionated, l eft -hand end of the MORB array.
On the basis of experiments with nat ural basalts, Stolper
(1980) agreed with the direction of the shift of the 9 kbar
liquid composi t i on predicted by Presnall et al. but argued
t hat the shift was not great enough for pr i mar y magmas
produced at this pressure (approxi mat ed by St ol per' s
10 kbar poi nt in Fig. 6) to explain the quar t z- poor end of
the MORB array. Stolper argued t hat p/critic pr i mar y mag-
mas produced at a pressure of at least 15 kbar, which woul d
be low in nor mat i ve quart z (Fig. 6), are needed to produce
parent al magmas at the quar t z- poor end of the MORB
array by crystallization of olivine.
Not e t hat the composi t i onal difference most critical to
Stolper' s argument corresponds to the direction of maxi -
mum analytical uncertainty. In addition, Stolper drew his
phase boundari es by combi ni ng his own dat a with those
of two ot her l aborat ori es, and he compar ed these phase
boundari es with MORB glass composi t i ons det ermi ned at
still anot her l aborat ory. The systematic differences among
analyses f r om these four l aborat ori es are not known. Ex-
cept possibly for the two FAMOUS analyses lying at the
extreme quar t z- poor end of the FAMOUS array (Fig. 4,
a and b), we feel t hat the analytical uncertainties are large
enough to justify some doubt about St ol per' s conclusions.
I t mi ght be argued t hat these two points deviate sufficiently
| Pluto average magma
[]-Elthon and Scar f e ( 1984} / '
9 (1980) /
~ :m~;Sennal~tet al. (1979} / / :
14 f l y ` `
f ....... J ~ . 2 ~ =
by q
. / . -
v v v v ~ /
el hy q
Fig. 6. Molar CIPW normative projections showing the outline of the FAMOUS basalt composition field from Fig. 4 (irregular contour)
and experimentally determined liquid compositions in equilibrium with el, opx, and cpx (also pl at pressures less than 10 kbar) (Stolper
1980); ol, opx, cpx, and sp (garnet replaces spinel at 25 kbar) (Elthon and Scarfe 1984); and ol, opx, cpx, and sp (plagioclase replaces
spinel at pressures less than 9 kbar) (Presnall et al. 1979). Data of Stolper (1980) and Elthon and Scarfe (1984) are for natural compositions.
Data of Presnall et al. (1979) are for the system Ca O- MgO- A1203- Si O 2. Numbers are pressures in kbar. The point for Green
et al. (1979) is a primitive basalt (their Table 1, Column 1). The dashed line in each diagram shows the direction of olivine fractionation
from the 25 kbar point of Elthon and Scarfe (1984)
f r om St ol per' s 10 kbar pseudoi nvari ant poi nt t hat his con-
clusions must stand. However, ot her probl ems exist, as dis-
cussed below.
Now consider the dat a of El t hon and Scarfe (1984),
which, like St ol per' s dat a, are based on melting experiments
on a nat ural basalt. Thei r liquid composi t i ons in equilibri-
um with olivine, ort hopyroxene, clinopyroxene, and either
spinel (10, 15 and 20 kbar) or garnet (25 kbar) are pl ot t ed
in Figs. 6 and 7. These dat a are a revision of their earlier
dat a on the same basal t (Elthon and Scarfe 1980).
El t hon and Scarfe (1980, 1984) used the same line of
reasoni ng as Stolper to claim t hat picritic pr i mar y magmas
generat ed at about 25 kbar are required to produce the
quar t z- poor por t i on of the MORB array. Low-pressure
crystallization of olivine would move liquid composi t i ons
al ong a line originating at their pr i mar y magma composi -
tion at 25 kbar and extending directly away f r om the olivine
apex (dashed line in Figs. 6, a and b, 7, a and b). I t can
be seen in the CI PW nor mat i ve proj ect i ons (Fig. 6) t hat
such a line woul d intersect the quart z-ri ch port i on of the
FAMOUS array. Wi t h subsequent crystallization of olivine,
diopside, and clinopyroxene, the liquid pat h woul d move
al ong the t rend of the ar r ay t owar d quartz, t hereby explain-
ing composi t i ons onl y in the quart z-ri ch port i on. Composi -
tions in the quar t z- poor por t i on would remai n unexpl ai ned
even when analytical uncertainties are t aken into account.
Thus, the conclusions of El t hon and Scarfe appear to be
cont radi ct ed by their own data. I n fact, i f their dat a are
t aken at face value, the quar t z- poor por t i on of the FA-
MOUS ar r ay seems impossible to explain by fract i onat i on
of olivine f r om a pr i mar y magma separat ed f r om a lherzo-
lite source region at any pressure!
On the ot her hand, when the dat a of El t hon and Scarfe
are pl ot t ed using the al gori t hm of El t hon (1983), a picritic
pr i mar y magma located at the composi t i on of their 25-kbar
liquid does indeed appear capabl e of produci ng a parent al
basal t near the quar t z- poor end of the FAMOUS array
by crystallization of olivine (Fig. 7). This parent al magma
composi t i on could then produce all the ot her FAMOUS
basalts by fract i onat i on of olivine, plagioclase, and clinopy-
Why does olivine fract i onat i on of El t hon and Scarfe' s
25 kbar pr i mar y magma composi t i on lead in one proj ect i on
to the quar t z- poor end of the FAMOUS ar r ay and in the
ot her proj ect i on to the quart z-ri ch end? The answer lies
in the fact t hat the magni t ude of the shift t owar d quart z
produced by the El t hon al gori t hm depends strongly on the
amount of N%O in the composition. Not e t hat the poi nt s
of Presnall et al. (1979), which cont ai n no Na20, do not
change posi t i on at all when repl ot t ed accordi ng to the El-
t hen al gori t hm (compare Figs. 6 and 7). The FAMOUS
composi t i ons contain about twice as much Na 2 0 as El t hon
and Scarfe' s 25 kbar liquid and are t herefore shifted mor e
strongly t oward quart z when the El t hon al gori t hm is used.
One must t hen ask which, i f either, projection met hod
yields valid conclusions about the result of olivine fract i ona-
tion f r om El t hon and Scarfe' s 25 kbar picritic magma.
Eighteen of the FAMOUS basalts have mg numbers greater
t han 70 and constitute a set of least fract i onat ed magma
composi t i ons t hat El t hon and Scarfe woul d pr esumabl y
derive by olivine fract i onat i on f r om their 25 kbar liquid.
Crystallization of olivine would increase TiO 2 in any deriva-
tive magma, yet seventeen of the eighteen basalts have Ti O 2
contents l ower t han t hat of the 25 kbar liquid (0.89 wt . %,
analyses normal i zed to 100%). This relationship also holds
for most pri mi t i ve MORB composi t i ons worldwide, whose
TiO 2 contents converge at 0.6--0.9 wt . % at mg numbers
of 70-73 (Rhodes and Dungan 1979). The 15 and 20 kbar
liquids of El t hon and Scarfe are even higher in TiO 2 t han
their 25 kbar liquid, and therefore must also be rejected
ol q
o/ q
Fig. 7. Same data as Fig. 6 calculated according to the Elthon (1983) algorithm
as viable parental magmas. When least-squares mixing cal-
culations (Wright and Doher t y 1970) are at t empt ed be-
tween El t hon and Scarfe' s high pressure picritic liquids and
the various least fractionated FAMOUS basalts, extremely
poor fits are obtained not only for TiO 2 but also for Na20
and sometimes other oxides. We conclude t hat primitive
mid-ocean ridge basalts cannot be derived by olivine frac-
t i onat i on from El t hon and Scarfe' s high pressure picritic
magmas, and t hat neither projection scheme is a valid vehi-
cle, by itself, for evaluating such a process.
In view of the inadequacy of the projected diagrams
as vehicles for evaluating El t hon and Scarfe' s parental liq-
uid, we now ret urn to Stolper' s 20 kbar picritic parent. Oliv-
ine fractionation would lead to higher values of TiO 2 and
Na20 in the derived basalts yet at least one and frequently
bot h of these oxides are higher in Stolper' s 20 kbar liquid
t han in the eighteen primitive FAMOUS basalts. The TiO 2
content (0.87%) of Stolper' s 20 kbar liquid is also higher
t han t hat of most primitive MORB compositions world-
wide. Least-squares fits for the primitive FAMOUS basalts
are all extremely poor. We conclude that primitive FA-
MOUS basalts as well as primitive mid-ocean ridge basalts
worldwide cannot be derived by olivine fractionation from
Stolper' s 20 kbar parent.
Di mensi ons of "pseudoi nvari ant" regions
We have not discussed one source of uncertainty that is
potentially the most i mport ant of all. As Stolper (1980)
and El t hon and Scarfe (1984) mentioned, the "pseudoi nvar-
iant poi nt s" they determined at each pressure are not points
but regions in mul t i component composition space. The di-
mensions of these regions are unknown, but a comparison
of the dat a of Stolper (1980) and El t hon and Scarfe (1984)
on Fig. 6 suggests t hat they could be very large. In making
this comparison, it should be not ed t hat El t hon and Scarfe' s
liquids are in equilibrium with spinel whereas Stolper' s are
not. Thus, a precise compari son is not possible; but we
suggest, on the basis of dat a for the CMAS system (Presnall
et al. 1979) and Fig. 4 of Fujii and Bougault (1983), t hat
in Stolper' s study the spinel field would lie to the silica-poor
side of his spinel-free pseudoinvariant points. This implies
t hat the pseudoinvariant regions in Fig. 6 have dimensions
even larger t han the differences between the points of E1-
t hon and Scarfe and those of Stolper. The size of these
regions could, of course, vary strongly as a function of
Takahashi and Kushi ro (1983) show lines at constant
pressure rat her t han pseudoinvariant points. The points of
Stolper (1980) and El t hon and Scarfe (1984) lie along the
lines of Takahashi and Kushi ro; and if the interpretation
of Takahashi and Kushi ro is correct, the dat a of all three
papers are in fairly good agreement. In this case, the liquid
compositions report ed by El t hon and Scarfe would be pro-
duced by a higher degree of melting t han those reported
by Stolper.
Locat i on of the enstatite field at high pressures
O' Har a (1968) emphasized t hat pri mary magmas generated
from a peridotite mantle must be in equilibrium with ensta-
tite at their dept h of origin. Therefore, i f any basalts erupt ed
at spreading centers are unfract i onat ed pri mary magmas,
the MORB array must t ouch the pri mary phase field of
enstatite. O' Har a argued t hat it does not, and that all mid-
ocean ridge basalts are therefore fractionated from more
primitive parents. Specifically, he argued t hat pri mary mid-
ocean ridge basalts are not produced at about 10 kbar.
Stolper' s (1980) recent det ermi nat i on of the position of
the enstatite field at 10 kbar, as shown by his pseudoinvar-
iant point, is analytically indistinguishable from the average
Mt. Pluto magma (Fig. 6), a composition considered by
Bryan and Moor e (1977) to approxi mat e the least fraction-
ated basalts from the FAMOUS area. The revisions of
Stolper' s phase boundaries by Fujii and Bougault (1983)
move the 10-kbar pseudoinvariant poi nt even closer to the
Mt. Pluto magma composition. Thus, when the phase
boundaries of either Stolper or Fujii and Bougault are com-
pared to the Mt. Pluto magma composition, O' Har a' s argu-
ment fails.
In a study of high-pressure crystallization of a primitive
MORB, Green et al. (1979) found at 12 kbar t hat enstatite
does not crystallize at the liquidus and t hat addition of
5-10% enstatite to the mixture is necessary before liquidus
enstatite appears. They concl uded f r om these results t hat
the basal t could not have been in equilibrium with enstatite
at high pressures and t herefore is not pri mary. This reason-
ing was accepted by El t hon and Scarfe (1984), but Wyllie
et al. (1981, p 510-512) showed theoretically t hat it is inval-
id to conclude f r om the absence of liquidus enstatite t hat
the liquid could not have been in equilibrium with enstatite.
Fur t her mor e, Wyllie et al. showed t hat topologies are theo-
retically possible in which a liquid composi t i on can be in
equilibrium with enstatite at some pressure yet enstatite
would not appear at the liquidus at t hat pressure regardless
of the amount of added enstatite component (see also dis-
cussion by Fujii and Bougaul t 1983). Wyllie et al. (1981)
also poi nt ed out t hat i f a phase is found at the liquidus,
one can conclude t hat the composi t i on in question is satu-
rat ed with t hat phase. Fujii and Bougaul t (1983) found
enstatite at the liquidus at 10 kbar for their basalt.
The experiments of Stolper (1980) suggest t hat the pseu-
doi nvari ant poi nt liquid in equilibrium with olivine, ensta-
tite, diopside and spinel at 10 kbar is, in fact, only margi n-
ally distinguishable by mi cr opr obe analytical techniques
from the pri mi t i ve MORB composi t i on of Green et al.
(Fig. 6). I f the revised posi t i on of St ol per' s 10 kbar pseu-
doi nvari ant poi nt pr oposed by Fujii and Bougaul t (1983)
is accepted, the composi t i on of Green et al. is sensibly ident-
ical to t hat of the pseudoi nvari ant poi nt liquid.
Gi ven the analytical uncertainties we have document ed,
the posi t i on of the enstatite field determined at various pres-
sures by Takahashi and Kushi ro (1983) is in good agree-
ment with the studies of Stolper (1980), Fujii and Bougaul t
(1983), and El t hon and Scarfe (1984), and is fairly consis-
tent even with the seemingly discrepant results of Jaques
and Gr een (1983) (see Fig. 13 of Takahashi and Kushi ro
1983). Thus, we consider t hat the weight of evidence is
strongly in f avor of the conclusion t hat the enstatite field
at about 10 kbar lies close to the field of primitive mi d-
ocean ridge basalts.
Mul t i pl e parent al ma g ma s and dept h o f ori gi n
Fi gure 5 shows t hat the least fract i onat ed basalts with mg
numbers great er t han 70 have a very wide range of nor ma-
tive quart z content, which exceeds by a fact or of two even
the large uncert ai nt y bracket s shown. Thus, al t hough most
of the least fract i onat ed basalts lie in the quar t z- poor por-
tion of the FAMOUS array, there are a significant number
in the central and quart z-ri ch port i ons t hat are less fraction-
ated t han some of the basalts t hat lie in the quar t z- poor
region. This feature is inconsistent with deri vat i on of the
entire ar r ay f r om a common par ent at the quar t z- poor limit
of the array. Multiple parent al magmas havi ng a range of
nor mat i ve quart z cont ent appear necessary, which implies
t hat the ar r ay as a whole is a composi t e mi xt ure of several
overl appi ng fract i onat i on trends. Multiple parent al mag-
mas in the FAMOUS area have been suggested also by
many others (Bougaul t and Heki ni an 1974; Bryan and
Thomps on 1977; Langmui r et al. 1977; Bryan 1979; Le-
Roex et al. 1981; Bryan 1983; Gr ove and Bryan, 1983).
The dat a of Takahashi and Kushi ro (1983) suggest t hat
i t would be possible, by varyi ng the amount of melting,
to produce high-pressure picritic pr i mar y melts of differing
nor mat i ve quart z content. 1 The geomet ry of Fig. 6 suggests
I See earlier footnote
t hat subsequent low-pressure fract i onat i on of olivine from
these different picritic melts woul d yield liquid pat hs inter-
secting the FAMOUS array over much of its length. Such
parent s for mi d-ocean ridge basalts would, of course, re-
quire confi rmat i on in any given case by least-squares mixing
calculations, a confi rmat i on, as we have al ready noted, t hat
does not exist for the picritic liquids of Stolper (1980) and
El t hon and Scarfe (1984). I f the least-squares mixing test
is passed, some of the basalts lying in the central to quart z-
rich por t i on of the FAMOUS ar r ay could concei vabl y be
fract i onat ed not f r om liquids lying in the l ow-quart z por-
tion of the FAMOUS array but rat her f r om picritic liquids
mor e enriched in nor mat i ve quart z t han those pr oposed
by Stolper (1980).
Presnall et al. (1979, p 26) concluded f r om phase rela-
tionships in the system Ca O- Mg O- A1 2 Oa - S i O 2 t hat
pr i mar y magmas beneat h ridges are generat ed over a small
pressure range centered at about 9 kbar. On the basis of
phase relationships involving the addi t i on of Na 2 0 to this
4- component system ( Hoover and Presnall 1981, 1982), we
suggest t hat the most likely pressure range is f r om about
7 to 11 kbar, a pressure range t hat can adequat el y explain
the existence of multiple parent al magmas with widely vary-
ing nor mat i ve quart z contents (Fig. 5). Presnall et al. (1978)
suggested t hat the ort hopyroxene field extends into the
nephel i ne-normat i ve field at pressures above about 12 kbar.
Thus, alkalic pr i mar y magmas could be generat ed begin-
ning at this pressure. Our recent results ( Hoover and Pre-
shall 1981, 1982) and those of Takahashi and Kushi ro
(1983) generally support this earlier estimate and suggest
t hat the lower pressure limit for the generation of alkalic
pr i mar y magmas should be lowered slightly to about
11 kbar. Liquid composi t i ons produced at 10-11 kbar lie
close to the silica-poor end of the FAMOUS array. Thus,
to produce parent al magmas anywhere al ong the central
to quar t z- poor par t of the FAMOUS array, pressures of
magma generation f r om about 7-11 kbar appear entirely
adequate. Fi gure 6 suggests t hat picritic parent al magmas
are possible, but this possibility is denied by the absence
to date of experimentally produced picritic liquids t hat pass
least-squares mixing tests.
Acknowledgements. This research was supported by National
Science Foundation Grants EAR-8018359 and EAR-8212889. E.
Stolper and W.B. Bryan provided useful comments on an early
version of the manuscript, and F. Chayes provided a valuable re-
view of a later version. Part of the manuscript preparation was
carried out at the U.S. Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia, during
the tenure of a leave of absence by Presnall from the University
of Texas at Dallas. K. Krafft kindly provided a very useful editorial
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