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On Youtube, the viral video of the slow loris holding an umbrella has caught the attention of

people who love "cute" and "lovable" and caused a demand for slow loris pets. But it is also a
demand that stimulates an illegal pet trade with inherent harms. This caught the attention of the
organization, the International Animal Rescue (or IAR) where they have created a Slow Loris
Rescue form to sponsor awareness for this illegal pet trade and its harmful effects by bringing its
audience under a bandwagon of an international, moral and civic duty.

A prominent technique this artifact uses is pathetic rhetoric to bring out sympathy for the slow
loris. With a combination of grounded facts about the animal and specific vocabulary to arouse
sentiments, the Slow Loris Rescue makes the audience care about the cause through a
REALISTIC lens. For example, it says when traders cut their teeth off with wires, it is a ghastly
mutilation that causes terrible infections and a slow and painful death. Slow lorises are also
harmless little animals....which often tragicallydie from trauma. A commonplace this
organization assumes is the fear of pain; it uses vivid narrative to play on that fear. It also makes
the assumption that to lessen our own discomfort, we will be moved to help the slow loris out of
not just sympathy, but for the truth.

In addition to sympathy the artifact employs empathy. A simple technique is the we are to
promote a shared experience. Saying the slow loris is a PRIMATE, just like you and me
immediately links the slow loriss existence with ours. We ARE the slow loris. We feel as
vulnerable. This establishes a sense of community with a creature otherwise remote from our
existence as well as assumes that people are inclined to look out for those in a tangible network.
Being civic means not just helping out of pity, but out of a moral obligation for a fellow species.

It also makes a rational argument against the "I want cute" feeling, which is one of the main
agitators that actually brought this artifact about. We are inclined to commodify the cute into
pets. But by making us sympathize AND empathize with slow lorises, they discourage this
materialistic feeling of I want cute and encourage the morality of not keeping them as pets: it's
human to prevent suffering in general, but it's almost obligatory to prevent it from a living thing
like us.

This artifact further expands our sense of community by letting us, the audience, band with the
organization. It puts the words in our mouth, I want to support the work of the International
Animal Rescue. Part of this appeal is that it gives them a sense of empowerment after being
told, you ARE the small, vulnerable primate that is the slow loris; so by allowing the reader to
support the IAR it allows them to become a part of something greater than themselves,
something more than just people who want to commodify cute. They give you a lot of ways to do
this, including 'don't keep them as pets' to 'donations'

However regardless of what it is, all of these are portrayed as 'civic.' The IAR argues you are not
only saving them from suffering, but accomplishing an international-level civic duty in an
international community: when you save the slow loris, you are combating human ignorance and
cruelty; you are preserving wildlife; you are aware of issues beyond your OWN daily lives. In
short, you are caring for others.

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