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Child in 1800

Responsibilities: - worked in a factory to

help support their families since there
were not laws against child labor
-some had to balance school with a full
day of labor
-Adult Maturity
-reading books
-playing instruments (if you could afford
-board games

Health and Safety:
Many of the Children had unsafe working
conditions which led too:
Rapid skeletal growth
Development of organs and tissues
Greater risk of hearing loss
Developing ability to assess risks
Greater need for food and rest
- not very clean when it comes to washing
-Girls were taught to assume daily
actitivies and learn the basics so they can
read the bible and record expenses.
-Boys they were taught reading, writing,
prayers, and simple math. They were
taught using repetition from the Bible, a
religion-based reading supplement called
a primer, and/or a paddle-shaped horn
Child in 2014 Serina Kidd

-going to school
-graduating high school
-honor society
- volunteer work
-if there an athlete attend to the
maintenance of their equipment

-going to movies
-long boaring
-cliff jumping

Health and Safety:
-Kids have certain shots we are supposed
to get
-you have to take tests for drivers license
to keep the roads safe
- Higher technology in hospitals

Education: -Generally go all the way
through grade school and high school and
try to go to college

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