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Tony Montejano


The evidence for plate tectonics is shown in volcanoes, because of the way they form on
the earth crust. Also the evidence is shown in earthquakes, because of the way they are caused by
plate tectonics. Another piece of evidence is shown through fossil distribution. All this topics
well show evidence for plate tectonics existence.
The way that volcanoes relate to plate tectonics, is the part that plate tectonics take in
forming volcanoes. The way volcanoes are formed, is when two plate moves against each other
which makes the earth crust rise then it starts to crack at the top which allows lava to spell out
and thats how volcanoes are formed. The reason why earthquakes happen is because when two
plates slide by each other. When the plate tectonics get stuck it builds up pressure and sooner or
later it finally gets unstuck and releases the great force and shakes the earths crust.
Fossil distribution, the way that it relates to plate tectonics is that animals from Africa
have also been found on other continents that are on the other side of the world. How do we
explain this, well scientists think that a long time ago all the continents where together, when
they started to slowly move away the animals separated. So this theory shows that there are plate
tectonics that move. Without plate tectonics this theory would be completely wrong.
All this evidence states that plate tectonics are real and move around on earth surface, if
they didnt move how would the same species of animals get from one continent to the other.
The plate tectonics also shows how earthquakes are caused. It also shows how volcanoes are
formed. All because of plate tectonics moving against each other, and past each other, and also
moving away from each other. All this evidence shows that there are plate tectonics and that they
Tony Montejano

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