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Analysis of Title of Three folk musicians

by:Romare Bearden

Artist:Romare Bearden
Title:Three folk musicians
Medium:Magazine pictures
Size:50''x 60''
The artist Romare Bearden used magazine pictures to create a collage.the artist was inspired
by the musicians and wanted to show they were playing music.In the work titled three folk
musician the artist depicts in the night.3 musicians were playing music two of them were playing
guitars and one was playing a drum.The moon was in the sky and it was very small.The
elements that the artist focused on in the artwork were color,value,lines and shapes.He
arranged these elements to emphasize:I see many kinds of shapes in the
picture:circles,triangles,squares.I think the artist was trying to show people they were playing
music .The artwork makes me feel happy because the artise used some magazine pictures to
create this art work,the musicians were great.Their hands,guitars and the musicians.

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