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Belle Garcia

Jennifer Gammage
ENG 220
21 April 2014
Research Paper Proposal

For this research argument I will look at specific movies and their
relationships to nihilism. I would like to see if there are certain directors who focus
on making a film nihilistic in the deeper meaning and to analyze the nihilism that is
already present in many films today.
I have seen many of the films I want to analyze so that should provide me
enough background information. But I will also use internet sources as well as
watching many other movies I have yet not seen.
How are many famous movies connected to nihilism? Is it underneath the
surface or noticeable? Do some directors make movies nihilistically on purpose?
I hope to find the deeper nihilistic meaning in popular films and also see if
certain directors make mostly nihilistic movies or not.
This is important to myself. Because I am a film major I am very curious to
see if there is any connection to the directors and nihilism. I also just hope to
discover more movies that include nihilism because both are incredibly interesting
I have not yet discovered directors but I will use movies including Fight Club,
Pulp Fiction, The Strangers, The Dark Knight, A Clockwork Orange and Citizen Kane.

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