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Simple Mittens

1 skein of
Yarns. 100
% Alpaca. 200m / 100 gr. Youre gonna use only half skein, apro. 100m!
"ee#les $mm (%&"s or circular, your choice!
2 markers
Gauge (in garter stitch)
20s's ( $)
*as' on 2+ s's. ,oin 'o -ork in roun#s.
roun# 1. k
roun# 2. p
Repea' 'hese 2 roun#s more 1/ 'imes.
"e' roun#,
Left hand
Increase roun#. k0, place a marker, m1, k1, m1, place ano'her marker, k 'o 'he en# of 'he roun#
roun# 1. p
roun# 2. k
roun# 1. p.
roun# $. k up 'o 'he marker, slip marker, m1, k up 'o 'he marker, m1, slip marker, k 'o 'he en# of 'he roun#.
Repea' 'hese $ roun#s un'il you ha2e 11 s's 3e'-een markers.
Right hand
Increase roun#. k20, place a marker, m1, k1, m1, place ano'her marker, k 'o 'he en# of 'he roun#
roun# 1. p
roun# 2. k
roun# 1. p.
roun# $. k up 'o 'he marker, slip marker, m1, k up 'o 'he marker, m1, slip marker, k 'o 'he en# of 'he roun#.
Repea' 'hese $ roun#s un'il you ha2e 11 s's 3e'-een markers.
For both hands
& up 'o 'he marker, m1, remo2e marker, 3in# off 11 s's, p 'o 'he en# of 'he roun#. ,oin 'o keep -orking in roun#s
roun# 1. k
roun# 2. p
Repea' 'hese 2 roun#s 4 'imes more. 5hen, 3in# off.
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